Chapter 13- Selene is also a part of the team

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"Your mate died? Wait, when did you even find your mate in the first place?", I asked her in confusion.

"I found my mate at the battle field during the first blood moon eclipse. Our eyes barely connected for a minute before he was killed.", She replied as a fresh wave of tears fell down her cheeks.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder to help steady her as she trembled while speaking.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. But please forgive me for asking this, was your mate one of the Madmen or the rouge wolves?", I somehow managed to ask her.

She scoffed as she replied, "Who would've thought that the Moon Goddess would mate me with the infamous Russian Alpha of the Rouge wolves."

I looked at her in shock and disbelief.

"Your mate was Ilya?!", I sputtered.

She only replied with a nod.

"Wait a minute, wasn't Ilya killed by Xander?", I asked as I recollected.

She nodded again as tears streamed down her face.

"I saw my brother kill him. If only we hadn't connected back then, he wouldn't have lost his focus from the fight and he may have been alive. You know, I actually turned around as my brother's hand made its way right through his chest. I just couldn't bear the sight of it. I didn't even dared to look back. I know he was on the wrong side of the war but you would know the pain of losing a mate, even if we had just connected, he was still my mate. My mate was killed by my brother's hand because of being distracted by me. And if that wasn't devastating enough, I had to lose my brother a day later!", she replied.

I pulled her into another hugged and I patted her back while she cried her heart out.

"Don't say that darling.... It wasn't your fault that you found out that were mated to Ilya, the very moment he was about to die. And regarding your brother.....", I replied but stopped mid sentence.

I don't wish to lie to her. Especially not her. She already lost her mate and in the most horrible way possible. And to top that, the one who slaughtered her mate was her own brother, who was killed later as well. To tell her that her brother truly is dead now, isn't something I wish to do. I know these past couple of days have been specially difficult for her and I cannot make her even more miserable by lying to her face about her brother being dead.

For once, I thought my wolf Serafine wouldn't agree on my decision to tell her about the real identity General Kirigan and the whole truth.

*You are wrong about that. I do agree with you. Selene does deserve to know the truth. We cannot lie relentlessly to her face and pretend that her brother is dead and see her be even more miserable every passing day! We shall bear the responsibility together of telling Selene the truth!*, Seph mindlinked to me.

I was utterly shocked by Seph's words. She not only agreed with my decision but even agreed to face the repercussions in future regarding this, if any arises.
With a boost of support from her, I quickly casted a spell in the study to make sure that no one can eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Vicini Galatio Silenci Eraca", I incanted.

"Is something wrong?", Selene asked.

I shook my head.

"No. But there is something I need to tell you and absolutely no one can know about this except you. So promise me that this is only stay between us and that you will help me in future as well?", I spoke.

She seemed confused for a moment but later reluctantly nodded a yes.

"I promise. Now tell me what is it?", she replied.

Ghost of the Tribrid's Past - Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant