Chapter 3-The secret of two lives

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What the bloody fuck was that? No, I guess the weakness finally sinked in and messed up with my vision because it's clearly impossible for Connor to have red eyes. Probably it was some Vampire who looks like him that I just saw.

My trail of thoughts was interrupted when I didn't even realize and bumped into a hard chest. As always, Xander's arms wrapped around me to catch me in time. I looked up to him and saw him smiling down at me.

"You still don't notice where you go and end up bumping into me. Not that I mind though, it just gives me another moment to hold you", He spoke as his eyes twinkled in the moonlight.

My God, even though I know he's my mate and all mine, seeing him smile like that still takes my breath away. The moon shining bright behind him and his eyes twinkling like a star, perfectly mirroring the moonlight behind. I didn't even realize I was smiling so brightly seeing him like this and being in his arms again.

Wait a minute, did I just notice normal moonlight behind him? My smile faltered and I pushed his face aside to look at the moon. It really was back to it's original white glow, which means that the second eclipse is finally over.
I let out a breath in relief, which I didn't even realize I was holding until now.

Xander pushed my hand aside from his face and turned his head to look behind. Then looked back at me with a confused look.

I sighed again and replied, "The eclipse is finally over. I was worried for my family and the warlocks attacking your Madmen but I'm relieved now to know that they can hold their ground and protect themselves using magic."

Even though I explained, Xander's confusion didn't clear.

"I understand your concern but why do you think they came to attack as a backup in the first place if their magic wasn't back already? ", Xander replied.

Now it was my time to be confused.
"When did the eclipse end?", I asked him.

"Almost the same time as I was broke out of that capsule that contained my spirit. Or to simply put it, when I was reborn.", Xander answered.

I looked at him with wide eyes and pulled out of him embrace, suddenly remembering why we were here in the first place and the events that just transpired a few minutes back.

"What happe-.... Oh okay... Right. That was indeed a lot to take in. I would've lost my mind too, had I been in your place. ", Xander asked at my sudden reaction but then realized the reason on his own.

Though one thing I still find to be a bit odd is that not even once did he mention himself as General Kirigan or as the Leader of the Madmen. It was always me or someone asserting that on him but not even once did he call himself either of that.

But right now, listening to his story is more important than to ponder on these small things.
Xander snapped his fingers in front of my face and spoke, "Hey, are you still with me? Or traversing through your realm of thoughts?"

I playfully smacked on his chest but then later realized who he is now and froze.

"It's ok, love. I'm still the same guy. It's just better if I tell you everything, maybe then you'll finally get it.", He spoke.

I nodded in agreement.

"But first I need to know the entire crazy shit that just transpired a while back?", I asked.

"Before I could completely die, I was realized from the capsule that held me imprisoned from time immemorial.", Xander replied.

I raised my eyebrow at him in annoyance.

"I'll ask you again, so tell me in simple and understandable words. How was it possible that you met and mated with me, while at the same time you were imprisoned as well?", I asked him again.

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