1x8: Tourist Trap

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The episode begins with Ben, in the Rust Bucket, and a kid in a nearby car making funny faces at each other. Kamari is sitting on his bed and petting Persian who sleeps on his leg sprawled out.

Gwen: I'd warn you that your face might freeze like that, but in your case, it would be an improvement.

The kid in the other car then decides to eat his burger and shows it all chewed up to Ben.

Ben: (Disgusted) Ohh, man. The seafood special. Time to pull out the secret weapon.

Ben bends down so he can't be seen, activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Stinkfly. He emerges and makes horrifying faces and sounds.

The kid is scared out of his wits and screams, prompting his father to look at Stinkfly. The father is scared too and speeds ahead of the RV. Stinkfly lies down on the floor and laughs.

Kamari: There is such a thing as 'taking a joke too far', you know.

Stinkfly continues to laugh. He sees that Gwen is about to sit down. Stinkfly sprays slime onto her seat and she sits on it.

Gwen Gasps and grumbles at Stinkfly.

Stinkfly: Impossible. Funny is funny.

Max: Mari, Ben, better get up here.

The RV screeches to a halt and Stinkfly goes sliding to the front and Kamari sits in his bed eyes closed like a badass. Kamari exits Persians grasp and looks out.

Max: Oh, good. You're all ready to go. We got trouble ahead.

They see a a propane truck has overturned and the truck driver is stuck inside. There is also a fire spreading just outside the truck.

Driver: HELP! (Bangs the door)

Bystander: The door's stuck! He can't get out!

Driver: HELP!

Max: If that propane he's hauling catches fire, that truck will become a rocket to the moon.

The driver looks on, terrified.

Ben and Gwen are sleeping, while Max is just outside.

Stinkfly flies out of the RV and closer to the truck. The flames' intensity increases, making Stinkfly step back.

Stinkfly: Ugh! Ouch!

Kamari: Blastoise'll clear this up!

He primes the PokeTrix and slams it down, he stands in the form of Incineroar.

Incineroar: WHAT THE FUCK WATCH!!!!!!!

Max: (To the crowd) Come on, folks. Give the... critters a chance to work.

Stinkfly: The fire's too intense. Ungh! I wish I was Heatblast.

Incineroar: Hey, that gives me an idea.

Incineroar absorbs the heat of the flames, and then lets it all out in a beam of heat and glory. He then goes on top of the truck and uses his sharp tail to tear the metal off the roof. Stinkfly uses his hands to create a hole big enough to get the truck driver out. He picks the driver up and flies.

Not gonna lie I'd rather die in the fire then see a six sorry...five eyed demon appear to quote unquote save me.

Driver: AAAAAH!

Stinkfly safely drops the driver down.

Kid: (Tugging his father) AAAH! That's the monster that ate that kid!

Stinkfly: Wow, look at the time. Gotta fly!

Stinkfly flies away from the scene, Incineroar flies back via his belt, The Tennysons continue along the road and approach a specific location. Gwen reads out the signs on the roadside.

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