Jooha's eyes widened in disbelief, mirroring Dan's pain. He rushed to Dan's side, offering a comforting embrace.

Jooha's heart sank as he absorbed Dan's words, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation. The room fell into an oppressive silence, broken only by the sound of Dan's quiet sobs.

"I'm here for you, Dan," Jooha whispered, his voice filled with unwavering support. "We'll figure this out together. Whatever it takes, we'll face it as a team."

As Dan clung to Jooha, he found solace in the strength of their friendship. In that moment of despair, he knew he had someone by his side who would comfort him and stand by him through the storm ahead.

"Excuse me? Who are you?"

The mysterious man rose from his seat and quietly left the room, leaving Dan and Jooha to navigate the overwhelming emotions and uncertainty that enveloped them.


Jooha tried to stop the man but he left without saying a word.

As Dan continued to sob, his heartache intensified, intertwining with a sense of betrayal and self-doubt. Clinging tightly to Jooha, he struggled to make sense of the situation. Doubts and self-blame crept into his mind, amplifying his pain.

"Dan, I'm here for you. We'll get through this together. Please, tell me everything."

Taking a shuddering breath, Dan wiped away his tears and recounted the encounter with the mysterious man, sharing the information and evidence presented to him. Jooha listened intently, his concern deepening with each passing moment.

"I can't believe this, Jooha," Dan choked out between sobs. "Was Jaekyung just playing with my heart all along? How could I have been so blind? I should have known."

Jooha held Dan even tighter, his voice filled with compassion. "Dan, this isn't your fault. You trusted Jaekyung, and sometimes people can deceive us. It's not a reflection of your worth or your ability to judge others. You deserve love, honesty, and respect."

Dan's tears continued to flow, his mind grappling with the shattered pieces of his heart. He replayed moments with Jaekyung, searching for signs that he might have missed, questioning his own judgment.

"I can't believe I didn't see it," Dan whispered through his tears. "I thought we had something special. I never thought I'd need someone else to tell me that it wasn't real."

Jooha, still holding onto Dan, felt a lingering sense of unease. Despite their determination to move forward, a nagging feeling told him that seeking additional support would be beneficial. Knowing he could rely on his boyfriend Dooshik, Jooha mustered the strength to reach out for help.

With a deep breath, Jooha pulled out his phone and dialled Dooshik's number. After a few rings, Dooshik's voice came through the receiver, filled with concern.

"Hey, Jooha, is everything okay?" Dooshik asked, sensing the urgency in Jooha's voice.

Jooha's voice trembled slightly as he responded, "No babe, something's not right. Dan and I received some distressing news, and we need your help. Can you come over?"

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Dooshik assured Jooha that he would be there as soon as possible. They agreed to meet at Jooha and Dan's home, where they could discuss the situation and decide on the best course of action.

As Jooha was comforting Dan, Jooha's gaze fixated on the photos in the folder, his mind raced to make sense of the familiar face staring back at him. The girl in the photographs bore a striking resemblance to someone he knew. His brows furrowed in deep concentration as he tried to recall where he had seen her before.

Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan18+Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum