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Anish and Kavita Aurora didn't know what to do after Nehal and Ashok took Akash to hospital. On one hand, they were afraid because Nehal called the police but they were also extremely angry because in their mind they did nothing wrong. They wanted to talk to Ashok too. So they decided to go after Ashok.

Ashok was having a hard time understanding the situation. All the emotions were overwhelming him. He didn't ever imagine in his wildest nightmare that his parents could torture his son. But he couldn't deny what he saw. And when he saw his parents coming towards him he just lost it. He surged forward and shouted at them.
"Why are you guys here? Want to hurt my baby more? You can't okay? You can't even touch him anymore."
"Please calm down, Ashok. We didn't do anything to him. He is our grandson. We always want what's best for him."
" Oh, really Ma? You want what's best for him? Burning him and beating him is best for him then. Right?"
"Don't talk to your mother like that Ashok. We didn't bring you up like that. And you don't know what your son is becoming. If we don't discipline him you are going to suffer. We want what's best for you and our family. Don't shout at us for that."

At that moment Ashok felt like bursting out. He felt like he could kill someone right away.
"Don't talk to me. Go away. I don't want to talk to you. My baby is inside being treated, I don't know what condition he is in. I don't want to talk to anybody. Go away, don't even think about coming near my child again." Ashok shouted.

Nehal saw his condition and hugged him from the back. He tried to take him from there.
"Ashok, please come down. People are watching. Let's sit down. Okay?"
"I don't want to calm down. My baby is hurting. Why... why they did do it?"
"Okay, okay, Ashok listen to me, please. You can't help Akash if you get sick. Please control yourself."
Nehal called the security of the hospital and told them to take Mr. and Mrs. Aurora away.
Ashok's whole life was crashing down. He loved his parents too much. Even if he didn't always listen to them he loved and trusted them and took care of them as best as he could. He knew his parents were against his marriage but he didn't believe that he always had to do everything according to them. He is a person who always promotes free will and does what is right. He thought his parents loved him enough to love him even if in some matters they don't have the same opinion. He never thought his parents could steep so low. When he was a trainee doctor in London, Ashok often handled cases of abuse, many times he rebuked and cursed parents who were careless enough to let their kids get abused by a relative. But he never thought he was also one of them. He wanted to destroy the whole world right then.

Nehal did understand his friend's condition but at that moment he was so guilt-ridden that he couldn't think of anything to tell Ashok. Honestly, what can you say to a man whose whole world just got destroyed? And even when in the back of his mind Nehal blamed Ashok for Akash's sufferings he knew he was Ashok's world. Nehal bought a drink from the hospital's vending machine and offered it to Ashok.
"Have it. You didn't have anything yet."
Ashok didn't even react to him.
"Have it, Ashok. You are no use to Kiddo if you get sick now. You have to keep your energy up."
"I don't know if my baby had anything..." Akash murmured. Nehal sighed.
" They will have him on IV drips. You don't have that luxury right now. Don't do any more stupidity and have it. So that you can manage everything."
Ashok flinched. But took the drink from Nehal.

After some time Abishek and Dr. Mojumder came out. Ashok went to the running.
"Abhi, how is Akash? Is he okay?"
Abhishek didn't say anything but Dr. Mozumder said,
"Dr. Aurora, let's go to my cabin and talk."
"But I want to be with my son. Is he okay?"
"Don't worry Dr. He is alright for now. A nurse will be with him. She will inform us if anything changes. Now let's go. It's really important."

Hello guys!!!!
Sorry for not updating!!
I got lost in exams. Anyway, I'll update regularly from now on.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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