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Ashok looked out of the car's window and sighed. His city changed too much in last years but even now it felt familiar,many things are unchanged. Nehal smiled at him.
"Don't worry ! Kiddo will be happy"
"Abhi is really angry at me" Nehal rolled his eyes at his attempt to change subject.
"You two are too stubborn for your own good. But-" he hesitated to complete his sentence and Ashok noticed it. Now he is really tensed.
"But what, Nehal? Is everything okay? Is there something wrong with Abhi?" Nehal sighed,he didn't know how to say what he wanted to say.
"He is okay. He just really worried about kiddo. And I'm too" Nehal adds. Now Ashok became almost frantic. " Why? What happened? Is something wrong with my baby? Why didn't you inform me?"
"Because we also don't know what it is. We just felt that something is really wrong but can't put our finger on it. Just.. I don't know what to say or how to say Ashok but I always felt really uneasy about kiddo. Like there is something I am missing"
" Maybe he was just missing his parents." Ashok's eyes misted thinking about his baby. He didn't say to Nehal but he too always felt his son was not happy. But he just thought Akash was missing his parents.
"He shouldn't have to anymore then. We just want to see him happy."
"I know. I am really grateful to you guys."
"Now I'm agree with Abhi too. I'm sure you lost your mind in London. You're saying thanks to us!For loving our kiddo!"
"Okay! Don't start now. I'm sorry."
"You should be"
The car halted in front of the gate of their house. Ashok come down from the car and smiled looking at the garden. Many things changed in Delhi. But not what really mattered to him. His world stayed the same for him. Unbeknownst to him his world was about to turn upside down in a few moments.

Ashok tried to open the door with his spare key and become very happy that it worked. His parents didn't change the lock. Now he can surprise them royally. He entered the living room and heard his parents voice in kitchen. He and Nehal went towards the kitchen and there Ashok got the surprise of his life hearing his parents words towards his son. His brain can't process the scene happening right before him. His breath got cought in his throat seeing his father forcefully dipped his baby's hand in the boiling pot. Nothing mattered anymore to him. All his being just screamed one thing, Protect.

Nehal entered inside the house behind Ashok with his luggage. And the scene stopped him on his track. His heart broke for his kiddo but to his own surprise the scene didn't surprise him as much as it infuriated him. Rather a lot of confusion cleared at that moment. The uneasiness, the fear, the pain, the missing school and the absurd excuses Mr. and Mrs Aurora used to give- all dot connected in his head with a sickening click. And he noticed that he wasn't surprised at the revelation at all. In his subconscious mind he knew the truth a long ago but he just didn't want to believe it consciously. He didn't have much time to contemplate on his thoughts though. He ran after Ashok when he saw his friend running towards their kiddo.

Ashok didn't know how he reached to the kitchen, he just knew that he have to take his baby, he have to save him. He saw his mother aiming the heavy spoon towards his baby and just knew that he can't let her hit him. He first stopped her hand and didn't even register what his mother is saying. He just pulled his baby to himself.

Akash knew he is in for a lot of pain when he said his grandparents not to curse his momma. They hurted him lot more than usual whenever he did that but he just couldn't help it. He couldn't let them disrespect his momma and papa. He bit his lips to stop himself from screaming out of pain when his dada dipped his hand in the boiling pot. He knew that if he scream it will only cause him more pain. And if he fallen sick, or if there is any mark on his face then his grandparents won't let him talk to him papa when he would video call him at night. So Akash just tried really hard to go through the pain without screaming. Suddenly he felt a pull on his right shoulder. A familiar hand pulled him towards a warm and familiar body. He smelled the scent of his papa but he couldn't believe what's happening. He twisted his body to look at the face of the person holding him. Before falling unconscious the only thought in his mind was his papa finally came to him. He loved him enough to come back. And then he fell unconscious frightened his father.

Anish and Kavita Aurora's heart almost stopped when they saw Ashok. They knew that they are finished. Now Ashok will know what they did to Akash.

Ashok's brain wasn't digesting the happenings. He was feeling like he was in a nightmare. His body is acting but his mind isn't processing. He asked his parents desperately what was happening. He just wanted to hide is baby in his chest from the world. And right that moment Akash became completely rigid in his hold. He picked him up frantically just to saw he is unconscious.

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