Part 26: Food

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Naruto: Hey! Author! When will I be in the story?! *pouts*

Me: *sighs* Today.

Naruto: *grins and throws a fist in the air* YAAAAY!! I knew you were a great person, Author-Chan!

Me: *rolls eyes*


Naruto POV:

I walk downstairs and see Sasuke play with Boruto. I smile.

"Hey, teme, where is Menma?" I ask.

Sasuke looks up with his deep, endless onyx eyes and smiles gently.

"Good morning to you too, dobe. He is in the living room watching some anime." He says.

I look to the living room and sees Menma watching anime on the TV.

I walk over to him.

"What you watching?" I ask.

Menma flinches as he hears my voice, I chuckle.

"Come on, tell me!" I say.

"Hn. Just a anime about three people in a squad." he says.

I chuckle.

"Alright. How's it going for them?" I ask.

"It's going just great." Menma says with a smile.

I smile and ruffles his raven hair before going to Kawaki and picking him up.

"Sasuke-teme, what was his name again?" I ask with a smirk, gesturing toward Kawaki.

Sasuke glares.

"Kiwi." He says.

I laugh.

"It never gets old!" I say.

Sasuke blushes bright red of embarrassment but chuckles a bit too.

"When will it get old?" Sasuke asks.

"When the dinasours come back." I laugh.

Menma laughs too.

"But, dad, Kawaki isn't a name you forget. Even I am as stupid as you and I remember it." Menma says and grins.

I laugh again.

"Papa stopid!" Sarada says.

Sasuke glares and I feel an murderous aura coming and I sigh.

"Come on, Sasuke, we were just playing around." I say with a scared smile.

He hums in reply and walks into the kitchen. I sigh.

"I'll never understand his humor." I say.

"No one will." Menma says.

"He laughed when Sakura had gotten a broken wrist." I say.

Menma raises an eyebrow then chuckles.

"Who wouldn't?" He asks.

I glare a bit at first.

"I won't! It took a few hours for Sakura-chan to heal herself!" I say. Then I sigh.

"I can't help but wonder why you have your papa's looks and humor?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I have your whiskers and blue eyes." He says.

I smile.

"Yeah that's what makes you so cute." I say and ruffle his hair.

He blushes and pouts.

"I am NOT cute!" he says.

I chuckle and walk into the kitchen and gets out a cup ramen but Sasuke takes it.

"You're eating onigiri. You can't eat ramen everyday, dobe." he says and chuckles.

I pout.

"Teme! I love ramen I wanna eat it!" I say.

Sasuke smirks and laughs a bit.

"No. You're eating either tomato soup or onigiri." he says.

I pout and take the ramen cup and takes it back to the fridge and then gets tomato soup.

"Happy now, teme?" I ask.

He nods.

"Very." He then kissed my lips and I blushed as it came out of nowhere.

I closed my eyes and kissed back before he broke apart and kissed my whiskered cheek.

"Make food, usuratonkachi." He says and walks over to the babies again.

I was still blushing and felt my heart hammering against my chest.

I shake my head and heat up the tomato soup.


To be continued...

*bows* I'm extremely sorry for my absence!

But at least we got this, right? I'm sorry that it's short but at least it's something :)

Alright, see you next time!😀

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