Part 8: A visitor

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TW: Bad language ahead on this part!

Naruto POV:

*Knock Knock Knock*

''Oh excuse me, I can get that.'' I say and put down Kawaki in the circle beside Menma and Memory.

I walk to the door and is met by...

''Oh hello, Mitsuki!'' I say.

''Hello, Hokage-sama, I am just looking for Menma. He was up really late last night.'' He says.

I nod.

''Well he is right in the living room with Memory and the babies. Welcome in.'' I say step to the side so he could walk inside.


Mitsuki POV:

I walk into the living room and see my teammate Memory together with Menma on the floor with 4 babies.

''Oh, hi Mitsuki!'' Menma says and waves.

I smile.

''Hello Menma. And Memory.'' I say.

I sit down next to Menma.

''This is Boruto, my little brother!'' Menma says and gives me a blonde baby with 2 whiskers on each cheek.

The baby smiles at me. I smile too.

''Cute..'' I say.

''They are the cutest things ever!'' Memory says and holds up a raven haired baby.

''Menma, I actually needed to talk to you.'' I say.

Menma looks at me and nods.

''Memory-chan, can you take Boruto?'' Menma asks.

Memory nods and takes him.

Menma leads me to his room and we walk by the Hokage that went and made Memory some company.

When we came to Menma's room, he closed his door.

''So what is it-''

''What is going on?'' I ask.

His blue eyes widened.

''W-What do you mean?'' He asks.

''You have been acting weirder than ever.''


Menma POV:

Oh no oh no!

Does he know!?

''W-What?? No no I am always weird, and has always been there is nothing new.'' I say.

Mitsuki shakes his head.

He then walks closer and closer.

I walk backwards until my back hits the door.

He forces his lips onto mine.

But I don't kiss back.

When he pulled away he looked kind of disappointed.

''See? You're all...stiff.'' He says.

I knitted my eyebrows together.

''Well, I'm not like you, Mitsuki, I don't want to make out every second.'' I say and fold my arms.

''Kissing is something people do to show affection, I kiss you to show affection to you and how much I love you.'' He says.

My eyes widened then saddened.

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