Part 5: I miss you...

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TW: Mature content ahead of this part

Naruto POV:

After Menma went to bed and I made the other kids fall asleep, I decided to write a letter to Sasuke to make him know I read his.

'Dear Sasuke,

Of course Menma and the babies are doing great and I am doing great as well. 

Menma and Boruto seems like besties and Boruto is sleeping in Menma's room right now.

I miss you a lot!!! I miss you more than I have ever missed anyone!!

Do you remember when you fled Konoha? 

I was the only one that was worried about you.

I was the only one that went on and on about finding you and bringing you back.

I don't know why I am thinking of that right now haha. 

Ughh! I miss you so so so so so so so much!!!

I miss having your lips against mine, waking up with you beside me, teasing you, hearing your sexy voice. And of course, seeing your beautiful smile.

I love you too! I love you I love you I love you I love you! I can keep on saying.

I hope the time goes fast so I can see you soon so I can jump at you and kiss you all over your beautiful pale face.

Okay, I am getting tired.

I hope you are doing well.

I hope you get home soon!

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you a lot!!!!!

A lot of kisses and hugs from me and hugs from the babies and Menma.

Have a nice day/night!

Good night.

From: Your fox Naruto'

I read the letter again and again until I am pleased with what I have written.

I walk over to the window and open it.

I whistle for my delivery bird to come and it lands on my arm.

''Hello there, I have a gift.'' I say and put the letter on the back of the bird.

''Bring this to Sasuke Uchimaki, please.'' I say and let the bird fly away in the moonlight.

I chuckle.

''The moon is beautiful tonight, right Sasuke?''

I just keep staring at the night sky with thousands and thousands of stars and the moon, who is the biggest and most beautiful thing right now.

Me and Sasuke talked a lot about that when we were around 13.

That, I am the bright sun in his life and he is the beautiful moon in my life. It's cheesy but I like it.

I really feel myself get more and more tired.

I should get to bed. It's really late.'' I whisper to myself and step away from the window so I can close it.

I close and lock the window and walk upstairs to my bedroom.

It sounds depressing when I say it's just mine, doesn't it?

I lay down under the covers and turn off the lights.

''Good night, Sasuke.'' 

Then I doze off.

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