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Night leaves it shades from the sky and enter into a ray of beautiful morning where sunrays slowly enters into meerub's room which makes her to woke up. as usual she wakes up and decided to get ready for college which has become her daily task in her life after the dark past in her life which she had gone through. but even the task of college had not help her to get rid out murtasim thoughts which has imprinted in meerub's heart. she was juz living as a person who had no way to go who herself build a strong walls around herself which she never allowed anyone to come near to her. It was juz her who was staying with her soltitude, because It's has already been 3months she is away from murtaism, and not even give attempt to look at him. even though murtaism keep on trying to convince for the past 3 months. every day visiting to karchii to wait for her and to get her look and atleast to speak to her. but meerub was not in state to face herself in front of muratsim anymore. as these separation was not only juz between two persons it has broken a beautiful relationship between two families. and not letting to have peace for any one. because everyone was going through tough time where maa begum was restless to see her son in such condition and anwar was already depressed as he failed to be a good father to meerub. anila and waqas was really going through a tough time because the time they found meerub in karachii at middle of the road till the day they were crying to see their daughter to have a such pain which she was passing on her everyday she keeps on crying. even though how they have tried to distract her from her thoughts. but it was not happening at all because meerub herself want to take these punishment.

 but it was not happening at all because meerub herself want to take these punishment

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when meerub takes her bag and take a leave from room. she feels some dizzness not able to hold a proper grip on herself where her footsteps was not in proper way. so try to reach near her bed so she can some support. then take a sip of water to tell herself that it was nothing. and after sometime she thinks she is stable now. and she thinks common for her beacause for the past 3 months she is not having proper sleep and food, crying continously where her body became week and face pale lost that charm and pride which is used to be her ornaments on her moon face which were lost after heartbreak. and she never takecare of herself after the lost which she had faced.looking at herself in mirror.

kya hogaya meerub tumkho??? juz look at yourself the punishment you choose for yourself to stay away from murtaism. which slowly leading to your own destruction?? what did you gain from these?? the meerub who is used to be the voice for herself has died with time. aab mere andar ithene himmat nahi hai kuch fight karney kay liya!!! says to herself by wiping her tears. then anila called meerub to have breakfast.

waqas: good morning meerub!!!

meerub: good morning baba!

waqas: meerub did you cry?? kya hua beta?? why are taking such pain on yourself??? juz try to come out from your thoughts.

anila: haa meerub!! juz eat something. yesterday also you dindn't have your lunch nor dinner. don't punish yourself like that meerub. do you want to talk to murtaism ?? we will call him.

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