Ch.18 Being with you

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However, Jaekyung, considering Dan's well-being, recognized his potential tiredness from the previous night and insisted on ordering porridge instead.

"Dan, my love, you should rest a little longer," Jaekyung whispered, his breath tickling Dan's ear. "I'll take care of breakfast. How about some comforting porridge?"

Understanding Jaekyung's thoughtfulness, Dan smiled and nodded in agreement. Jaekyung's thumb gently brushed against Dan's cheek, his touch soothing and affectionate.

As Dan sat on the edge of the bed, wincing slightly from the discomfort in his back, Jaekyung noticed his partner's pain. Concern etched across his face, Jaekyung approached Dan with a mixture of tenderness and determination.

Jaekyung's arms enveloped him, providing a sense of security and support as he lifted Dan effortlessly from the bed.

"Jae!" Dan was surprised by Jaekyung's actions.


Cradled in Jaekyung's strong embrace, Dan felt a wave of relief wash over him. The pain in his back seemed to fade as he rested against Jaekyung's chest, his head nestled against his shoulder.

As Dan finished freshening up, Jaekyung took a soft towel and gently patted his face, drying away the droplets of water. 

With the arrival of the porridge, Dan and Jaekyung sat down together to enjoy their breakfast. The warm bowls of nourishing porridge provided them comfort and sustenance, adding to the overall sense of intimacy and care that permeated their morning.

"Jae, you were too much last night." Dan pouted.

"Sorry sweetheart, I can't help it when I am with you." Jaekyung winked at him.

In that unexpected moment, Jaekyung's mischievousness took a new turn as he swiftly pulled out his phone and captured a photo of Dan. Dan blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the sudden click of the camera.

"What was that for?" Dan asked a playful curiosity in his voice.

Jaekyung grinned, holding up his phone to display the photo he had just taken. "This, my sweetheart, is going to be my new wallpaper. Whenever I miss you, I'll look at it and instantly feel closer to you."

Dan's heart swelled with a mixture of amusement and affection. He leaned in closer to see the photo, a fond smile spreading across his face.

"Really, Jae?" Dan chuckled. "You're going to see my face every time you unlock your phone?"

Jaekyung nodded, his eyes filled with adoration. "Absolutely. Your smile brightens my day, and having it as my wallpaper will remind me of you under me. Plus, it's a sweet little secret only we'll know."


Jaekyung chuckled at his reaction.

Dan leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Jaekyung's cheek. "Well, if it brings you joy, then I'm all for it. Just don't forget to change it if you ever get tired of seeing my face."

Jaekyung laughed, his laughter echoing through the room. "Never, Dan. Your face is a constant source of joy for me. I could never get tired of it."

Dan suddenly remembered that he had made plans to visit Lotte World, the theme park, with Jooha today. His excitement grew, but at the same time, a tinge of guilt washed over him as he realized he would have to leave Jaekyung behind.

"Oh shit!"

"What happened?" Jaekyung looked concerned.

Looking up from his plate, Dan's eyes met Jaekyung's, and he took a deep breath. "Jaekyung, I just remembered that I have plans to go to Lotte World with Jooha today. I'm sorry, but I'll need to leave soon."

Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan18+Where stories live. Discover now