"Lord Piper's wife? The Lord Piper who just has died? Is he fucking the wife of the lord he came to serve who just got widowed barely an hour ago?", he didn't know why he was that surprised. Preventing this from happening and dragging Oswell back to Harrenhal was the reason he was there. "Did that happen,", he pulled the boy from his collar and whispered. "when the lord was alive?"

"No, Ser.", he shook his head ardently. "Never."

"You better be telling the truth or by the Gods, I'll make sure you regret every lying to me.", his threat got interrupted though when a naked Oswell opened the door and snapped his fingers towards his squire while his eyes never left Oscar's face.

"Wine.", he ordered and when the frozen squire whined, Oscar let his collar go and he disappeared from the scene. "I see Walter sent his best dog."

"We heard the news and I came here as soon as I can to stop you from doing this.", he gritted his teeth. "Your brother will not be happy."

"My brother can fuck off right to the Trident for all I care."

"Your sister will not like it as well.", he tried another but Oswell only scoffed loudly and slammed the door back to his face and turned to his lover with a raised eyebrow.

"Guess who has a stick up to his ass?"

"Why of course your brother.", she rolled her eyes. "Well, let me tell you that; if he wanted to keep us away from each other that much, he and Hoster should have marry me with some younger lord than that old pig so perhaps they would have their peace of mind for a few more years.", she suggested as she stretched her body in the bed and Oswell climbed on top of her.

"Tell me; did he ever make you come like that?", he leaned down and kissed her neck and she let out a dizzying laugh.

"You cannot possibly compare yourself to a sixty-year-old shit.", she held his clean face, Oswell did not enjoy beards, and looked deeply into his eyes. "No one can be you. Though he was rather good at cunnilingus.", she said cheekily. "You are not that good at it.", she pouted and Oswell raised his eyebrows in surprised, let out a surprised noise and started to tickle her. "I dreamt of this day far too long that I am having a hard time to believe it is true.", she said once they both calmed down once again and cupped his face. "It always seemed will never happen. They will not make us wait until we marry, right?", she wondered with worry and Oswell shook his head, placed a kiss to her palm.

"Hoster and Walter will try, my love, I am sorry."

"I cannot bare to wait for you again, Oswell.", she turned her head away. "Everyone knows I cannot be pregnant, from his servants to his children. It would be a torture to keep me here as a prize to see whether I'll pop out a baby or not."

"Neither his servants nor children would tell the entire realm that their lord couldn't manage to fuck his own wife and our brothers will use that to their own leverage, torture us until they betroth to yet another lord before we understand what is happening.", Amarai's face fell and he caressed it with sadness. "I'll not allow it this time, I swear."

"This was my second marriage.", she said solemnly. "My first husband died our wedding night while coming to the chamber and I had to endure this last one for two years. I was a child, perhaps I still would be if it not for this marriage. Not even Hoster can be this cruel."

"It is a show of hypocrisy and nothing more.", Oswell declared as he moved over on top of her and instead sat to the bed. "He forces my sister to give him an heir while pretends he is content with Catelyn and yet forbids me marrying you because he loathes my brother. It doesn't even make a sense.", he shook his head. "I did everything,", he pressed. "everything he and Walter asked me to and yet he doesn't see me, and never will, good enough for you."

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