Plushes (Night One Cont.)

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While you patiently waited for Fredbear to return, you looked around the room. You held your head, which throbbed in pain again. You sighed. You proceeded to lie down on your side, curling into a ball.

After a few minutes, Fredbear returned. He looked at you. Your back was turned to him. He walked over, sitting down on the bed. He gently rubbed your back.

"Fredbear..." you said quietly.

"Yes?" he asked. You sat up, looking at him.

"How long do you think I'll be asleep?" you asked.

"It could be a while before you ever wake up again. Your brain is injured. It needs time to heal. It's possible it'll take weeks or even months for you to wake up," he said. You sighed.

"Regardless, I'll be watching over you in both worlds to make sure you're safe," he said.

"Thank you," you said quietly. He nodded.

"Good thing you brought me with you before all that mess happened. Your father found me on the floor next to the table you were sitting at," he said. A few seconds of silence passed before you spoke.

"Why would my brother hurt me?" you asked him.

"He didn't mean to hurt you. But that doesn't make what he did right...though the whole thing wasn't a good idea from the start," Fredbear said.

"He's always so mean...what did I do to him for him to be so mean..." you said, your voice breaking as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. Fredbear gently pulled you into a hug. You buried your face into his furred chest, which was surprisingly soft. Tears silently rolled down your cheeks. Though you were a bit distracted as Fredbear felt warm. His warmth was beginning to make you feel a bit drowsy.

"If he ever tries to hurt you again...he will regret it," Fredbear said softly. The vibrations from his deep voice was enough to make you feel sleepier than you already were. You ran your fingers through his fur. He looked down at you. He rubbed your back, further soothing you.

"So soft..." you mumbled drowsily. Fredbear leaned his back against the headboard. You rested your small body against him. You heard a sound that sounded like a heartbeat. A sound that was also playing a factor in slowly lulling you towards slumber.

"He will regret hurting you this time..." Fredbear thought to himself. He was angry that you were this hurt by your own brother, but he wasn't going to let that anger bleed into this moment. Right now, he wanted to comfort you. He looked back down at you. You were so pale. He even sensed that your heart was beating slower than it should have been. You shivered slightly. He grabbed the blanket and brought it over the both of you. You gradually became more drowsy with each passing minute. Eventually, you did fall asleep. As Fredbear peered down at you, he couldn't help but feel bad for you. He wanted you to be okay. He growled softly, his eyes glowing a bit at the thought of (B/n). Despite Fredbear being on the floor at the Diner in his plush form, he saw everything. It was likely that if he ever saw (B/n) again, he'd rip the boy to shreds. Fredbear's growling ceased as he felt you shift a little.

Fredbear stared at the closet, his eyes glowing. He was using his powers to see through his plush form back in the real world due to him feeling some kind of disturbance. His plush form looked around the hospital room, seeing a doctor had come into the room and was checking your vitals. The doctor had accidentally bumped the plush.

"Sorry little guy," the doctor said, though the doctor had no idea he was talking to a sentient plush. A knock was heard at the door before a nurse entered.

"Sorry this a bad time?" the nurse asked.

"No, not at all. I'm just finishing up. What do you need?" the doctor asked.

"Well, the girl's father returned just now. I told him visiting hours are over for tonight and he left this box to give to her," the nurse said, holding a decent-sized box.

"Set it on that chair over there," the doctor said. The nurse nodded and placed the box down.

"How is she?" the nurse asked.

"She's stable for now...we'll still be keeping a 'round-the-clock watch on her though. Her condition is pretty critical," the doctor said.

"Poor girl...I hope she recovers," the nurse said.

"You and me both," the doctor said. He soon left after writing a few things down on a clipboard. The nurse stayed behind. Once the door was closed, the nurse approached you. She gently held your cold hand.

"I'm so sorry, kid. Your father is so worried about you. We'll do our very best to help you pull through. I promise," she said. With that, she then left, shutting the door behind her. Plush Fredbear looked at the chair the nurse placed the box on. He felt a twinge of unease build up within him. He could feel energy emitting from the box, and not just the energy of one, but of multiple. His best guess was that the others were in that box. If that was the case, as long as no one opens that box, they can't get out. Even if they tried to shift into their normal forms, they wouldn't be able to due to the risk of being seen by other humans. For now, Fredbear knew you were safe in the real world, but in the dream world...guaranteeing your safety wasn't going to be an easy task if the others truly were in that hospital room with you. Even with them being in the box, they could still potentially enter your mind and try to harm you that way...Fredbear knew he needed to do everything he could to keep you safe. But how long would that last before he found you?


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