𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7 | identity

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"a thanator?" spider asked, glancing at naya'il. who had a slight smirk. "you want me to fight a thanator?" spider shouted, immediately being slapped upside the head by naya'il.

naya'il hissed, "we do not kill as trial, you must tame her." naya'il spoke, spider hesitated as he looked at the thanator. "i can't tame that! or- or her. i don't even have a kuru!" spider sputtered.

"to be apart of this clan, you must bond with thanator. human or not. understood?" naya'il ordered. "yes ma'am." spider sassed, though he tried to hide it. spider kept eye contact with the thanator.

the thanator let out a growl, slowly pattering forward. spider looked back at naya'il. noticing many of the clan na'vi had come to watch this rite of passage. spider turned back to the thanator, suddenly being lifted into the air.

the thanator bit on spider's leg and threw him up, spider yelped in suprise. yet landed on his feet, breathing a sigh of relief. spider quickly reached for his dagger, circling the fierce creature.

this thanator must be domesicated or something, because he knew he would have been swallowed whole if it wasn't. but that didn't mean he would still survive. "should we not protect him, ma ite?"

the tsahik of the clan asked naya'il, "the child does not belong here, this may be the most.. honorable way to get rid of him." naya'il muttered, while spider made attempts to try and bond with the creature.

"c'mon, c'mon.." spider muttered, lunging forward as he tried to shut the creature's mouth. spider stepped over the thanator's snout, attempting to reach it's back.

the thanator huffed and threw it's head back, causing spider to hit the stone wall behind him. hard. spider began to pant heavily, the scars from his previous torture beginning to open.

naya'il stared, swallowing her saliva as she reached for her spear.

kiri felt relief wash over her as her elder brother slid down from the steep slope, "are you okay, little sister?" neteyam asked, placing a hand on kiri's shoulder. kiri took a moment to process before nodding, wrapping her arms around her elder brother.

"i thought you would never find me." kiri breathed out, neteyam whispered. "shh, it's okay." neteyam muttered, stroking her back. "l-lo'ak, and spider.. i got seperated from lo'ak. i couldn't find spider."

kiri stammered, neteyam shushed her. "we're going to find lo'ak first, okay?" neteyam whispered, kiri furrowed her eyebrows. "okay, okay.." kiri nodded, following neteyam.

neteyam covered his mouth as he noticed the recom squad, searching for kiri. kiri quickly nodded, her lips tightly shut as she followed neteyam, deeper into the forest.

after what had seemed like hours, kiri and neteyam arrived near the beach of the island. lo'ak had his head down, facing away from them. jake was staring into the water, his arms crossed and seemed to be deep in thought.

neytiri was pacing around, looking horrified. but the horror was washed off of her face as she saw kiri. "ah, ma ite!" neytiri shouted, running over to kiri. placing a hand on her cheek.

"are you alright?" neytiri rushed, checking for any wounds. "i'm fine, mom." kiri whispered, neytiri went from a caring mother to a fierce and scolding one. "have you lost your mind? running off to search for the demon?"

neytiri yelled, jake placed a hand on neytiri's shoulder. "ma neytiri." jake whispered, neytiri huffed. the fire in her eyes still not being tamed. "i know, we've made some mistakes."

"we left behind spider, but sweetheart. we couldn't have brought him with us, he's- he's-.." jake was cut off by kiri, who seemed to be fuming.

"he's what dad? human? a demon? like you?" kiri scoffed, "sis.." neteyam whispered, but kiri continued. "go on dad, tell me what he is. the son of demon? an outcast? a freak?" kiri continued, her voice beginning to crack.


neytiri paused for a moment, realising kiri's projection. neytiri slowly kneeled down, taking kiri's hands. "i am sorry, ma ite. there is nothing we can do for him." neytiri whispered.

kiri looked at lo'ak, almost pleading him to do something. to say a single word. but jake looked at lo'ak, causing him to look away in shame.

"no.." kiri whispered, desperately looking at neteyam. who's eyes silently told her no.
kiri looked down, as jake whispered. "it's time to go home." jake spoke, placing a hand on kiri's shoulder.

"home." kiri whispered, looking back at the forest. her mind beginning to wander.




"where are you even taking me, skxawng?" kiri asked, a slight smile on her face as her visionw as blocked by spider's hands. "oh c'mon, just trust me. i swear to eywa that i won't throw you off a cliff."

spider joked, kiri rolled her eyes. yet a slight smile formed on her face. the feeling of the grass against her bare feet and the sounds of the creatures of the forest were her only clues for their location.

kiri stumbled a bit, spider quickly apologized. "sorry sorry.." spider muttered, kiri began to get impatient, "are we almost there yet?" kiri whined.

"almost, ki." spider assured, kiri took notice that they were no longer on grass. it felt like.. stone? she could still feel the grass brush against her bare legs though.

"okay, now.. open them." spider whispered, taking his hands off of kiri's eyes.

kiri slowly opened her eyes, her jaw dropping. it was a beautiful little garden, surrounded by the flora of pandora. atokirina floating around the area. small stones being used as a pathway.

a small arch made of leaves and vines led to. The

all of the different fruits and herbs used by mo'at were also there, a little desk area. and on a large boulder in the garden, was a swirl, that represented the eye of eywa.

"i-i didn't have much time, tuk and mo'at helped alot though. i don't know if you like it-"

"like it?" kiri scoffed, before tackling spider. wrapping her arms around his neck. "i love it!" kiri shouted, excitedly. "how did you even manage to find this place?" kiri gasped, taking spider's hand as she walked around the garden.

"lo'ak and i went exploring, and i thought you might have liked this place." spider shrugged with a slight smile, kiri grinned. "thank you, it's beautiful.." kiri whispered, tightening the hug.

spider let out a sigh of relief, his head buried in kiri's shoulder. "i'm glad."


[ A/N ] : Okay, finally finished the seventh chapter. Naya'il is beginning to feel sympathy for Spider, Kiri is questioning her parents and oh my lord, the flashback. It is so sweet. Chapter 8 may take awhile, so thank you for your patience. That is all, stay safe Spiri supporters !!

" he's different. " | kiri x spider 🌊Where stories live. Discover now