𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 6 | worth

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the sound of chirps and squeaks from the creatures of the forest filled their ears as they ran through the glowing jungle, "c'mon, monkey boy!" kiri shouted, as she jumped over certain plants. like it was nothing.

spider laughed, chasing after kiri. "your human legs are terrible!" kiri joked as she finally slowed down, spider needing a moment to catch his breath. "that's because i forgot to paint on my stripes."

he chuckled, kiri nodding with a slight smile. "psst, monkey boy." kiri nudged, pointing at the kenten crawling about on the leaves. spider smirked, looking at kiri before running inside the bush.

the kenten flew up, their fans swirling around. kiri gasped excitedly, chasing them around. "i've never seen anything so beautiful." kiri grinned, looking up at the different colored fan lizards.

spider's lips parted slightly, seeing kiri's face illuminated by the luminiscent flora, before looking away. a light blush dusting his cheeks. he looked up, fear suddenly dragging him in the dark.

"kiri!" spider shouted, she had suddenly disappeared. "boo!" kiri yelled, causing spider to jump, screaming like a little girl. "eywa, you sound like a child." kiri giggled, spider rolled his eyes.

"oh yeah?" spider scoffed, lunging forward and tugging on her tail. "ow!" kiri hissed, swatting at his face. spider laughed, dodging her attempt. "spider!"

his lips trembled, a slight groan escaping his lips as his eyes began to open. the first thing he saw was a thanator. "shit!" spider cursed, jumping back. all sleepiness escaping his body.

the thanator growled, sniffing spider curiously. "calm, tu'fe." spider recognized the familiar voice, glancing behind him to see naya'il. crushing some sort of paste and rubbing it against her spear.

spider stood frozen as the thanator circled him, naya'il sighed and stood up. lifting him up by his arm pits and plopping him on higher ground. "um, thank you." spider sputtered, naya'il nodded.

"i wonder what shall become of you if you cannot handle a simple thanator." naya'il scoffed, standing up. picking up a carcass of an animal and feeding it to tu'fe. "i've never really had to handle them in the forest." spider shrugged.

a silence fell between them, the only sound being tu'fe chomping on the animal. it wasn't until naya'il spoke, when the silence was finally broken.

"your father, he is the man you were with before?" naya'il questioned, her hand brushing against the thanator's rough skin. spider paused, although he didn't want to admit it. "yeah, he is.."

naya'il seemed to notice spider's silence, but she had more questions. "and your mother?"


"i understand.." naya'il muttered, spider sat on a ledge in the cave. his arms crossed. "come with me." naya'il whispered, as she began to walk out of the small cave. spider slowly nodded, hopping off the ledge.

"where are we going?" spider asked, noticing that some of the cave na'vi were giving him dirty looks. "if you will stay with us, you must become worthy." naya'il spoke, strictly.

"and how exactly do i become worthy?" spider asked, his voice cracking slightly at the end. naya'il paused for a moment, placing a hand on spider's shoulder. then pointing at a large cave.

thanators crawling about.

"let me go you blue headed-" kiri was cut off, quaritch covering her mouth. "watch the mouth, princess." quaritch warned, his gaze lingering on the forest. "lyle, search the parameter. that batshit crazy woman is comin'.."

kiri growled, clearly upset at the insult towards her mother. though it was partially true. kiri's gaze wandered on the single kenten crawling below the leaf. her eyes widened.

"spider.." she whispered, struggling against quaritch. "let me go!" kiri thrashed about, biting on quaritch's hand, her fangs piercing through quaritch, causing him to yelp in pain.

kiri made a run for it, weaving in and out of bushes, her heart pounding against her chest. "get her!" lyle shouted, kiri ran down a steep hill. slipping into a pond. "fuck.." kiri cursed as she waded in the water.

the recom squad hot on her trail, kiri's stamina began to disappate. realising zdinarsik was right behind her, kiri backed away. looking back and realising it was a dead end.

"no, no, no.." kiri muttered, zdinarsik raised her rifle. about to threaten kiri. till something passed through her mind, more specifically. an arrow.

kiri raised an eyebrow in confusion, as z-dog dropped to the floor. kiri looked away, not wanting to see the blood that has shed. her eyes widened as she saw who it was.



[ A/N ] : This chapter was really rushed unfortunately, and didn't have any new plot points. But we do finally see Neteyam again! Also gave another Spiri flashback ;D but yeah, I will try to include more important things. Spider will also have to face some trials in the Cave Clan. So yeah, if you have any questions. Just let me know, see you next chapter!

" he's different. " | kiri x spider 🌊Where stories live. Discover now