Chapter 9: Flirts And Pick-Up Lines

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A/N: MA15+ pick-up lines, flirting. Stupid stuff, ya know... this is kinda like a special bonus chapter, but it's relevant.

After explaining what each tool was used for, I fed Scorchy and Snixie and left to make myself some breakfast.

With a simple concoction of Nutella and Maple syrup on toast, I left the kitchen and back to the safety of my room to finish the last of my latest weapon.

Soon enough I was going to work on engine blocks for cars, creating V8 motors and body designs for the Autobots to use while on offroad missions.

I left my room with the new weapon that Lennox had requested for one of his most prized soldiers.

It was a cross between a short snout double barrel shoutgun with sniper range and a Winchester 1984 model.
The handle was a wooden model with S.J.R scribed into the bottom.

Later that day after I had finished my work I left to hang out with the Terror Twins and Ironhide.

"Is your Sire a thief? Because I swear someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes." Sideswipe threw at me as I entered.

"Well where have I seen you before? Oh yeah, I remember now. It was in the dictionary next to the word ‘gorgeous.’" I snarled back.

"Are you a magician? ‘Cause every time I look at you, everyone else disappears." Sunstreaker intervenes.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. With a smile like that, looks like I’m doomed." I state smirking at him.

Sire looked at me, a blush evident on his faceplates.

"Will you guys stop flirting with one another!?" Ironhide asks uncomfortably.

"Is your Sire a terrorist? Because you look bomb!" I threw at Sire, making him stare in absolute shock.

"Good thing I just bought life insurance…because when I saw you, my heart stopped!" Sire threw back, reminding me of when we first met on Cybertron.

I chuckled at the memory and made my way to the gym, to exercise my already ripped chest.

I was dressed in a sports bra, bike pants and a jacket as I made my way to the gym entrance.

The equipment looked shiny as I made my way to the treadmill, working my leg muscles first.

I spent two long hours in the gym before making my way to the training room where I sparred with the Terror Twins and Sire, all the while flirting just to annoy Sire.

After training I made my way to my pets, leading them to my room to be fed, and so I could go for a shower.

I washed my scarring body free of sweat and dirt, letting the water flow through my hair like a cascading waterfall.

Once I finished in the shower I climbed out and threw on a pair of camo trackies, a black shirt and a navy jacket, my usual casual outfit.

Walking out of my room I noticed a small parcel at my door front, I picked it up and dumped it on my bed, ignoring it for later. It was probably another piece I needed for my weaponry.

I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a small dinner, homemade chicken nachos.

I walked out into the mess hall and almost ran into Damen, who I glared flatly at before making my way to my two crushes and my Sire.

There was something wrong, I could feel it in my stomach, making me unable to eat. After a few mouthfuls of nachos I hurled my food and groaned.

Sire was the first at my side.

"Oh, by the way, I’m wearing that smile you gave me." I mumbled sickly before hurling again. Something was seriously wrong.

Sire and the Terror Twins helped me to my room and lay me down, retrieving a bottle of water and Tylenol.

I took the medication and lay down, not before taking 3 sleeping pills, the kind that knock me out immediately.

I heard the three Mechs leave and them I blacked out.

=In Dream=

I stood at the edge of the cliff, glancing at the crashing waves below me, I was suicidal and depressed, everyone knew that, even my fake friends, and I was dared to jump. And so I did, down towards the rushing water that looked ready to consume my bloody corpse. Ready to forever rid me of the misery I was Oh so nicely dragged through.

The dream changed.

I was sobbing in Sire's embrace, feeling worthless, like nobody loved me. Sire was there comforting me, the Twins agreeing with every word Sire spoke. Helping calm me down, but it didn't work. Why would it? I'm nothing but one being to this world, who would care?

Again, the dream changed.

I was in the dark all alone, I could hear voices. Saying how worthless I was, how good it would have been if Damen had off-lined me.

How stupid it was to have Satan and Unicron as part Sires. They were saying how stupid Ironhide was to take me in, how I would become a danger to everyone. How Shadowclash and Cyberknight were wrong to go the the two Gods of Chaos and Destruction.

Soon the dream faded into and image, of me standing on charred remains of buildings, with flames licking at my Cybertronian Wolf Form as I glared at the enormous Gods before me.

=End of dream=

When I woke up, I felt different, but the same as when someone did something bad to me...
Next chapter coming soon.
Thank you all for your support.

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