Chapter 6: Remove That Jacket Now!

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A/N: Mention of self harm and major experiments and torture.

Ironhide pov

I had noticed that after Valkyrie had had her transformation she became more distant and upset. But she was in her human form every time I saw her. Even when she came out to eat and hang with everyone. She wouldn't speak much.

So I decided to hang out with her.

I knocked on Valkyrie's door but I heard the shower running, a bang and a short reply.

"Come back in 20 please, whoever you are!"

"Okay," I replied. "I will be back, trust me."

So for 20 kliks I walked up and down the hall. And the second last passing I heard an audible yelp of...

"Frag! Sire and uncle will kill me!"

"You okay in there Val?" I asked.

"Yeah... Heh... Gimme 5 and I'll be out.

I didn't reply but continued to pace the corridor, back and forth.

Until the door to Valkyrie's room opened to reveal new blueprints and weaponry.

"Wow! Did you make any Cybertronian designs yet, young one?" I asked.

"I need measurements for who I'm building it for, but I was going to make a signature weapon for everyone. So that I wouldn't be the odd one out." she chuckles sheepishly.

Valkyrie bent down to pick up a blueprint that had slipped under her desk, and I saw it. Blood and Energon running down her arms, along with bandages wrapped around the wounds roughly.

"Remove that jacket now!" I barked at her.


"I want help you! Take it off!" I spoke, trying to keep calm.

I watched as Valkyrie slipped off the jacket and almost collapsed at the sight of her Energon, and blood mix, pouring down her arms.

"What happened!?" I asked scared.

"I accidentally opened up my stitches." she mumbled, I knew she was lying but I wanted to give her time and to give her a chance to open up.

I lifted her arms and looked down at them, before placing them down and retrieving towels and a Major Emergency First Aid kit.

I sprinted back to Valkyrie's room to find her crying.

"What's wrong my Femme?" I asked soothingly.

Valkyrie, unknow to her, used her Carrier's Texan accent to tell a story. A flashback in words. I started stitching her up as I listened intently.

"Damen, tha' basturd abused me, belted into me until I was almost unconscious. He used to sell me off for one night sex slavoury so he could get money for his alcohol.

And after I met you guys he couldn't risk you guys finding me, as he knew my Carrier, who was his sister before the Decepticons took her and injected her with Energon, hoping to offline her so that Shadowclash would become an easier target. But Carrier transformed.

After Damen had told me the true story of my Carrier he then passed me of the the Experiment labs.
Where they opened me up to study my biology,wanting to know how I lived so long and how I inherited Cybertronian biology like my Carrier unlike him.

The Experiment labs opened me up while I lay awake listening to music and screaming. If I ever shifted and tried to escape, the would carve their scalpels deep into my skin, drawing blood the would be saved and replaced after their research. The placed resistance bands around my back so I couldn't stretch my wings.

I was never fed of looked after so my wounds became dirty and infected. But at the end of every month I would be given Porkchop and Vegies and a shower so that they could keep me alive to continue their Experiments. And if I refused they would shove the food down my throat and they would strip me and throw me into the shower, not caring if I was screaming in intense agony at the open wounds being belted into by the harsh power of the shower head.

I never want to go back! Please don't make me go back! Please!"

Valkyrie continued begging me to never let her go. So I finished stitching her up and carefully wrapped her up in a comforting fatherly embrace.

" I will never let you go my Femme. Never. And that I vow. " I promised her.

"Why don't we go to Ratchet for some painmeds and make a different excuse. Alongside get servo measurements for new weapon builds." I suggest.

"There are pain meds in my top draw of my desk, and we can go get measurements so I can build theses weapons. But nobody is allowed to know." Valkyrie agrees.

I internally smiled, this was the first time Valkyrie and I had ever spent our time doing something together, besides listening to music.

Ratchet was open to giving servo measurements for weapons, but he only wanted one thing from me, that wasn't a weapon...

----------------------------------------------------------Next chapter coming soon.

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