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*set 4 years later*

Hazel had always been a hard worker.

For the things she cared about.

And it showed clearly and apparent on her face as she walked through the door of her shared apartment with the love of her life, throwing her purse on the couch and kicking off her heels.

She stretched her arms over her head, exhausted from the day's work. She looked around the oddly quiet apartment, calling out for her boyfriend.

"Micah?!" she yelled, checking the bedrooms, bathrooms, and the patio. But to no avail did she find him.

"Micah?!" she called again, needing the attention of her lover after a day's worth of stress had been placed on her shoulders.

Being an astronomer was always her dream, but that didn't mean it was always a piece of cake.

'Where is he?'

She thought to herself before throwing her long black hair into a knot at the top of her head. Her voice echoes off of the brick walls, meaning there should be no way he couldn't hear her.

Was he gone? Was he angry at her and therefore ignoring her?

She rounded the corner into her kitchen to find him standing there, two plates of chicken pasta in his hands.

The boy had been planning on doing something nice for his lover for days. He'd always been a bit over the hills for her and seeing her smile made him happy.

Hazel looked at her boyfriend, her confusion from just a few seconds ago fading away instantly and replaced with a wide, toothy smile.

"I made you dinner! And I thought maybe afterward I could give you a massage?" he expressed, hoping she'd be all in for his special day.

She grabbed the plate from his hand, the steam and aroma filling her nostrils immediately.

"I know how hard you've been working and I want to make you feel good." he guides her to their dining table, where two flutes of sparking champagne sit, enticingly.

Hazel felt overjoyed as she looked at the beautiful setup that was meant for her. She wanted nothing more than to thank him in every way possible.

"Micah, you really didn't have to do all of this." she states as he pulls out her chair and sits across from her.

He shakes his head, picking at the food in front of him. "No, I know. But I wanted to. You deserve this and more." Micah meant every word that came out of his mouth as they enjoyed the delicious home-cooked meal together.

After they finished, he grabbed both of their dishes, placing them in the sink before pouring more champagne into both glasses.

He then led her to the living room where one of her favorite movies waited on the large wall-mounted TV.

Hazel felt honored to have all of this done for her. To have her efforts and hard work be noticed. Of course, Micah worked as well.

Lots of his works hung on the walls of their apartment. Some of which he painted and some which were photographed.

He was one of the best in his field which to him and everyone around him was an amazing accomplishment.

Sophomore year of college he had decided to switch his major, he no longer valued medicine and wanted to put his time and efforts into something he knew he wanted to pursue.

His works are showcased in his home proudly.

He leads Hazel to the couch, setting up a few of the decorative throw pillows to wear she's comfortable on the arm of the couch while her feet lie in his lap.

He grabs the scented oils that he purchased for this exact moment and rubs them into her skin, and away from the stressed and tense nerves of the day.

The movie plays in the back as she completely relaxes, no longer worrying about the tasks she has to get done by the morning or the duties she has to come.

She completely relaxes under his touch. Just like always. His hands seemed like magic to her. No matter the mood or time of day, he always made her feel the same sparks she felt when they were just kids.

And that alone made her love for him grow and grow more each day.

"This is nice." the brown-eyed girl mumbles as she leans back into the soft pillows as they engulf her, making her feel even more comfortable.

She had never been one for physical touch but with this boy, it was all she craved.

"It's the least I can do, belle." his nickname for her had always made her blush.

She knew what it meant even if it was in French.

She wasn't an idiot.

She knew the basics, and she knew he'd been calling her beautiful for 5 years. And she knew that she never wanted it to stop.

In her heart, she had always felt a piece of her missing. Like a puzzle of a thousand pieces but only one piece was missing.

But she had found it, and he fit around her like a glove. She didn't know what her journey be or what path life would throw her on, all she knew was that she wanted to walk those paths with this boy.

For the rest of her life.

The End.

The End

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