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3 days later

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

3 days later

I look down at the notes I've been writing all morning for finals.

If I can control anything else, I can control what grades I get on these tests.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Micah's voice cuts through my thoughts. I look up at him across from me. I adjust my position on the uncomfortable bench before answering.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I continue writing the notes in the textbook onto my notebook. He reaches over and takes my pencil out of my hand.

"Hey, I have to finish this, Micah!" I don't mean to shut him out like this it's just, I can never seem to keep anything.

And that includes people. I'm just, scared.

"Tell me what's wrong." we've started coming out in public together. Hell everyone already knows anyway.

There's no reason to be secretive anymore but it just feels wrong because of Margot.

I sigh and stop fighting him. "I just, I've lost Margot and Kenji. What if I lose you too?" I try to keep myself from getting emotional in front of all of these people but I can't help when my vision starts to blur.

I feel his hands engulf mine across the table and blink away my tears.

"You are not going to lose me. I love you, Hazel. With all my heart. I genuinely believe that you are my soulmate." I laugh as I sniffle. His smile grows when he sees mine.

I look at our hands, his thumbs rubbing comforting circles on the back of my palms. "You believe in that stuff? Soulmates and stuff. I've never really given it much thought but Dad always talked about it."

"He'd say love is like the stars. They shine brighter together. And that, they're never alone. I don't know, he was big on soulmates and love. I always thought it was just because he was so in love with Mom. But now, I don't know. I never believed in love." I look up from our hands, a small smile on my lips.

"But then, I met you." his eyes shine and his smile shines just as bright.

"Maybe soulmates do exist. And I think your mine too, Micah." he squeezed my hands.

I've never smiled this much. I've never laughed this much. I've never been this happy.

"You know, I think my dad would've liked you. A lot." I don't say that freely and he knows that. He looks at me with a look of pride and adoration.

He looks like he's going to say something before his eyes land on something behind me. His smile fades.

I scrunch my eyebrows, confused before turning around.

"Margot?" her and Kenji stand behind me, she looks like she's been crying. Her eyes were puffy and red with her arms were crossed across her chest. Her hair is in an attempted bun and she wears a spaghetti strap t-shirt and biker shorts.

"Can we talk?" her voice is hoarse.

I look over at Micah who's face has seemingly dropped. There are so many secrets here and they don't like each other for that reason. I need the secrets to stop.

"Yeah, but we do it here." in the corner of my eye I see Micah's face light up at my words as they sit next to me.

Kenji rubs Margot's arm and she finds the courage to talk. "My dad and Micah's dad went here together. Dad was always the more conserved of the two. His dad was a quarterback which gave him this popularity. Anyways, he bullied my dad. He and his friends, for no reason. It was always bad and it hurt him, mentally and physically. But one day, he was seen talking to his girlfriend and—" her voice cracks.

"They um, they put him in the hospital. He was scarred. He was broken. When I found out, I swore to never be that kind of person. And to never associate myself with that kind of person." she finishes and looks up at me, hoping I understand.

And I do.

If someone did that to my dad I'd do more than just yell.

"I get that Margot. But Micah is nothing like his father. They don't even talk." his dad is an asshole. He stole his life and gaslit him into thinking it was his fault.

She looks over at him, an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry I judged you. No matter what my reasons were, I shouldn't have judged you without knowing your story." She looks on the verge of crying. Micah's eyes soften when he looks at her. That's just who he is, he doesn't hold grudges for anything. He's the sweetest boy I've ever met, and I love everything about him.

"It's okay, I understand that you have a good relationship with your dad and I know you'd do anything for him." He looks over at me, his eyes searching.

"We both love Hazel and we'd both fight for her. But that doesn't mean we have to be enemies." I smile, his words sinking deep into my soul and mind.

He continues to surprise me and I know that whatever we encounter, he'll be there with me, every step of the way. I scoot over and he hugs me close to him. Margot watches us, her eyes no longer contorted with tears. "I'm happy Margot. But not because of only one of you, but because I have both of you."

The words that I say feel more and more real. Like I mean everything I'm saying and it makes me happy that I've come this far. I came to this school thinking that I'd get my degree and leave. Never did I think I would make relationships as strong as these.

And I have Mom to thank for that.

-short chapter I know but it's just kind of a filler

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

-short chapter I know but it's just kind of a filler.

-yall ready for the last chapter? I'm not:(

Primed For Sinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें