Chapter 20

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Several weeks later...

It is now the last day of school. Cam and the others sat down in their chairs, watching the seniors graduate. When Owen, Elijah, Mo, Bianca, Katie, and Jacob's name was called, everyone in their group stood up and cheered loudly. Owen thrust his diploma in the air and shot them a smile.

Everything was better now. The Ice Hounds have been kind to Cam. They've left the bullying alone. They stopped bullying everyone. They even started up a secret group where they bust bullies and threaten the bastards to leave everyone alone. Cam found it quite amusing.

Once the ceremony was over, the group waited for Owen. He chatted with his family before spotting them. He hugged his parents once more and walked over towards them. Mike slapped hand with him and congratulated him. Luke and the others did the same. Luke even hugged Elijah and Jacob, knowing how much he loved them and would miss them. When Owen stopped at Cam and Maya, he brought them into a group hug. He squeezed them tightly and kissed them both on the forehead.

"We're gonna miss you, Owen," Maya said softly. "Guys, I'll still be around. I'm just going to TU," he laughed. "Yeah, but you won't be at school, the Ice Hounds won't be the same with you, man," Cam said. "You guys will be fine without me, trust me. Now who's up for a little celebration?"

The group hooted loudly. "Uh, not yet Owen" Tristan said, causing them to hush. "Mom and Dad want you to go out for dinner first." Tristan hugged Owen. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Okay, we will meet up at the school at around 5:30. I'll pick up Cam and Maya."

"Okay, see ya Owen. Bye, Tristan!" Maya called out. Everyone said bye to Owen and Tristan as they watched them walk away. Then, Cam grabbed his girlfriend's hand and led her away from the crowd.

Owen picked them up around 5:20. Everyone had gone home to change and now they were all getting ready to go to the party Owen's parents were throwing. Owen had told everyone to meet up at Degrassi so they could all follow him there.

Once they arrived at Degrassi, a few cars were there. Owen got out of the car, telling Cam and Maya to stay put. Cam took off his seat belt and turned around in the passenger seat. He flashed Maya a smile. "This party is fucking awesome!" Cam shouted. "I know, I love your smile, Cam," Maya said, kissing her boyfriend. "You tell me that a lot." Cam grinned, his cheeks turning red.

"That's because I barely saw you smile before. Now it's good to see it." Maya kissed him. Before Cam could speak, Owen got in the car. He told them that he had to wait on a few more people and then they'd be on their merry way. About fifteen minutes later, everyone was on their way to Owen's house. When they arrived, they all gasped at Owen's house. It was fucking huge!

They all piled out of the car and into Owen's house. The music was blasting, and a few people were already there. Everyone separated once they got inside. Cam and Maya went to go find Tristan. "Hey guys!" Tristan said, coming behind them. "Hey, Tristan. Love the home, Cam said. "Thanks. Feel free to come over anytime you want. Now enough chit-chat! Let's party!"

Song Time

हे ये फ़िज़ाए
इन्हें सुन लो गायें
ज़िन्दगी है हसीं
और जवान

हर लम्हा है मेहरबान
हर पल है ख़ुशी
पा ही गया ये कारवां
मंज़िल प्यार की

दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं
दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं
दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं

हे ये फ़िज़ाए इन हे
सुन लो गायें

गीतों का मौसम
है ख़्वाबों का आलम है
अब होश काम कम है हाँ

जीवन की राहों में
तुम हो निगाहों में
बाहें हैं बाहों में हाँ
हर दिल दिवाना है अब ये जाना
क्यों है हसीं ये समां

हर लम्हा है मेहरबान
हर पल है ख़ुशी
पा ही गया ये कारवां
मंज़िल प्यार की

दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं
दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं
दिन जो सुहाने हैं

दो दिल दीवाने हैं

हे ये फ़िज़ाए इन हे
सुन लो गायें

हे हे हे हे हे हे

सब दिन सुनहरे हैं
सब नशें गहरे हैं
प्यारे सब चेहरे हैं हाँ

अब हलके हलके से
रंग है छलके से
आँचल है ढलके से हाँ
जो दिलकशी है जो ताज़गी है
कैसे करून मैं बयान

हे ये फ़िज़ाए
इन हे सुन लो गायें
ज़िन्दगी है हसीं
और जवान

ओह हर लम्हा है मेहरबान
हर पल है ख़ुशी
पा ही गया ये
कारवां मंजिल प्यार की

दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं
दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं

हे ये फ़िज़ाए इन
हे सुन लो गायें
दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं
दिन जो सुहाने हैं
दो दिल दीवाने हैं
ला ला ला ला ला लला ला ला ला ला

I'm going to miss you." Maya pouted. Cam was going home for the summer to get the proper help from Dr. Penguin. His family misses him terribly and he misses them, too. He promised Maya that he was going to Skype and call her every chance that he got. He hates to leave her, but she understands. She doesn't want him to be without his family for so long. "I'm gonna miss you too Maya." Cam kissed Maya's cheek.

Maya bit her lip as tears began to swell up in her eyes. Cam sighed sadly. He didn't want to see her cry. "Aw come here," Cam said. Cam held his arms open, and Maya walked into his hug. She cried on his chest, clinging onto his T-shirt. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. He knows Maya is crazy about him and the feelings are mutual. He loves her so much, especially since she stayed by his side when they first returned home from India.

"You have Tristan, Owen, Tori, and even Zig. You can always go see them and I'm sure Zig will tell you about our detention he and I are cool we're gonna start hanging out first thing this September, and you guys get to finally meet Robert Barone whom you've met, his best friend Hunter Hollingsworth, Hunter's twin sister Frankie, and their older brother Miles Hollingsworth he's an interesting fellow.

"I g-guess," Maya mumbled in his chest. "I'll only be gone for the summer. I come back a couple of weeks before school starts. We can spend those two weeks together." Cam reassured Maya. "O-Okay," she sniffed his neck. "Come on Cam," Marie said coming near the two, "Let's get going."

"Okay," Cam said as Maya let go of him. He gave her one last kiss before grabbing his bags and hugging Ray, Robert, Frank, and even Marie. As he walked away, he felt Maya staring at him. He turned around, winked at her, and mouthed that he loved her, and his heart would always belong to her. She mouthed it back and blew a kiss at him.

When Cam and Marie got into the car, he saw Maya slowly walking away. Now that Cam wasn't stressing or crying anymore, he could enjoy this summer. He didn't have to worry about coming home to big, bad bullies. He only had the summer fun in front of him. This summer was going to be great! 

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