Chapter 7

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Drew woke up on a beautiful Sunday morning dropping his alarm clock in a cup of water reading 9:00 AM. On the clock, he sat up groggily and stretched his arms above his head earning him a satisfying pop from his spine before crawling out of bed.

He slept in only his black boxers because it was too warm, he threw his boxers into the washing basket and hopped into the shower feeling relieved as the hot water cascaded down his body relaxing his taut muscles and engulfing him in a shield, protecting him from the chilly air coming from outside.

He washed his hair and gave his body a nice scrub before reluctantly leaving the warmth, he rubbed the excess water from his hair with a towel before wrapping it around his waist, showing his hot chest and walking back to his room.

As soon as he stepped into his room, he shivered quite a bit and rummaged through his drawers for something to wear for the day, he chose and ended up in a black t-shirt with some black jeans, a black belt, and putting on his black leather jacket, including his cool sunglasses before walking downstairs to help himself with some breakfast.

Drew poured some milk and cereal into his bowl before grabbing a carton of orange juice and chowing down his food. "So, Drew what are you going to do today" Mike joined in the conversation. "None of your business and shut the fuck up, Mike." Drew snapped at him, finishing his breakfast quickly before going outside and taking his motorcycle with him riding it to Cam's house aka the Barone kids.

Once Drew arrived, he knocked on the door, two people had answered the door. "Hi, you must be Campbell's best friend he's in Raymond's room and Robert is in the backyard, I'm Marie, and this is my husband Frank please come in I'll get Campbell for you." Marie Kindly invited Drew into the house and Frank started with his usual jokes.

"Holy crap that is going to need another coat." Frank made his hilarious joke. Meanwhile, Ray and Robert came out with the ex-Ice Hounds player Campbell Saunders.

"Hi, Cam" Drew called his name with Ray and Robert looking at the hot boy. "Cam, who the fuck is this bastard?" Ray questioned Cam, and Robert had a surprised look on his face. "That's my friend Andrew Torres we are going to spend the day together at the mall. Do you boys want to come?" "Not really because Hunter is coming over and is coming to watch Crosshairs with us" Robert said while looking at Ray. "OMG, I can't wait to see it." Robert jumped for joy.

"I'll get the VCR ready." Ray went to the attic to retrieve the VCR and the Crosshairs VHS tape. "I'll get it later." Robert hugged Ray and they both went into the kitchen for some bacon and eggs. A couple minutes later Cam finished his breakfast with the Barone family aka his billet family whom he also met back at Kapuskasing in 2003 with his other friends.

"So, Andrew what do you want to do today?" Cam exclaimed as he gave Drew a hug before heading out onto his motorcycle. "I was thinking do you want to I don't know maybe go to a dark forest or the arcade?" Drew feeling a bit shy and nervous at the same time. "Sure, why not also, tomorrow I have a date with Maya." Cam held onto Drew's waist as he started the bike up and they both rode off to the creepy forest.

20 minutes later they both arrived at the forest entrance Cam got 3 missed calls from Maya practically freaking out, Cam texted Maya that he was with Drew inside the dark forest.

Song Break

कहना है जो दिल से कहो
दिलबर मेरे दिल मे रहो हो
मोहब्बत की नही है मोहब्बत हो गयी है
मोहब्बत की नही है मोहब्बत हो गयी है
अब डरना भी क्या ओ ओ ओ ओ

शरारत की नही है शरारत हो गयी है
शरारत की नही है शरारत हो गयी है
अब करना भी क्या ओ ओ ओ ओ ओ
कहना है जो दिल से कहो
दिलबर मेरे दिल मे रहो हो

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