Chapter 5

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Cam was surrounded by his ex-hockey team, girlfriend, friends, Katie and Jacob and that motherfucker Zig Novak who Cam cannot even stand or look at for whatever reason that might be. "What in the literal fuck are all you fuckers doing here?!" Cam said angrily. "Maybe I should talk to him." Jacob quietly told Katie.

Everyone had left the room, including Shaun and Karla, and now it was just Campbell and Jacob alone in the living room. "So, Cam I finally get to meet you and I'm Jacob Martin, by the way, tell me how's life?" Jacob asked nicely. "Shit because I have been depressed for quite some time now and I "accidentally cut myself with a hockey skate not to mention jump off the balcony and broke my arm on purpose" and Maya should not have bitch snitched on me to that fucked up principal!" Cam became frustrated for a minute and Jacob tried to calm him down, which he successfully did.

"Cam you need to get professional help as soon as possible." Jacob became worried about his future brother-in-law's mental health and well-being. Cam quietly cried into Jacob's chest as he hugged him to which Jacob did return the hug. Katie took a tiny look to see that her boyfriend was hugging her sister's boyfriend which Maya could see, Katie had sent Jacob a quick text asking him if they all could come back in and Jacob texted Katie back saying yes, they could come back in.

Everyone including the hockey team had come back into the room, including the hockey team as well which became very awkward everyone had slept in different rooms in the manor except for Cam, Shaun, and Karla.

The next morning came around and Maya, Tori, Tristian, and Zig came in to speak with Cam. "What's up, bro?" Zig asked him in a cutely funny way. "What the fuck do you want bastard?!" Cam asked as he was about to lose his temper and Maya went up to calm him down. Zig went up to Cam and hugged him as he tried to apologize to him. "Cam, I want to say that I'm sorry for how I treated you a couple of weeks ago."

"Are you hugging me right now?" Said Cam questioning Zig. "Dude I'm sorry and I hope that you forgive me, bro." Zig sniffed Cam's hair. "I do," Cam whispered to Zig and hugged him back, as he decided to go to sleep with Maya.

Cam woke up at 8:00 AM in the morning and texted Shaun, and Karla's parents that he would be out on his own today to which they both responded with please stay safe, Cam responded with always am and very carefully not to wake anyone up and snuck out of the house and onto the street heading towards Shri Ram Upvan Park.

Cam had sat down on the benches just chilling and looking cool, an hour later Maya woke up to see that Cam was gone poor Maya started crying and thinking that he would not come back. Just then everyone woke up and saw Maya crying. "Maya, are you ok?" Owen asked looking concerned, Maya told Owen quietly that Cam was gone again. "Do you have his location?" Luke chimes in. "He's at the Shri Ram Upvan Park," Maya said as she wiped her tears.

Maya called her boyfriend who took 3 rings for him to pick up. "Cam, where are you?" Maya is freaking out not knowing where her boyfriend was. "Calm the fuck down I'm heading to the temple now if you don't mind, I like to be alone." With that Cam hung up and enjoyed his day without any interruptions from anyone.

7 hours later

Cam was walking from the temple back towards the hotel just before he got back Cam was grabbed by a mysterious group of people who covered his mouth, and started kicking him, punching him, beating him up and one slash wound across his chest, Maya who witnessed the gang attacking her boyfriend had screamed and cried and everyone who heard Maya's scream came out running and can see the group of people beating up Campbell Saunders.

Luke, Owen, Dallas, and Zig chased the mysterious gang down the street while Katie was on the phone with police and ambulance, once Zig and the Ice Hounds apprehended the gang, they all brought them to the cops they told them everything they saw and witnessed after that they were free to go.

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