Chapter 16

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Cam woke up with a soft groan and hopped in the shower to get ready for school. After he had finished getting ready, he walked down the steps and went into the kitchen to see Marie preparing her boys for school.

"Now Frank you know the drill drop Ray and Robert off at school and then come straight back." Marie closed the door after Cam left the house with his black leather jacket and walked towards school.

Cam sees Drew down the entrance hall, so he hides in the bushes not seen by anyone until Luke catches him. "What are you doing?" Luke asks him, trying to figure out what his friend is doing. "Nothing." Cam injects, not wanting to alert anyone, he tells Luke to not draw any attention or anything else. Luke hugs Cam and then he continues to sneak up behind Drew in the shadows.

Drew gets the feeling that he's been watched and followed by someone, so he quickly turns around to see that Luke is sitting down on the bench checking his phone. Drew walks to Luke not knowing his presence.

"Hi, Luke." Drew sat next to Luke, startling him, and almost falling off the bench. "Sorry, I was just gonna ask you did you sneak up behind me?" Drew asked him. "No, but I saw Cam sneaking around and he did in fact sneak up behind you but after two seconds he was gone." Luke felt sweat dripping from his forehead. Drew went on his merry way to his locker, only to see a note on it, saying I see you with a smiley face on the note.

Drew quickly spun around and saw Cam booking it down the hall. He finally spotted Cam, he was climbing the fence, heading towards the fort and hopping from one ledge to another. "Hey!" He yelled. The boy turned around for a quick second and kept running. Drew ran up to Cam and grabbed his jacket, pulling him back. "What were you doing?" Drew still holding onto Cam by his jacket. "Alright, I was trying to prank you in a scary way," Cam admitted, hoping Drew let go of him. Drew lets go of him and Cam apologizes to him. Drew and Cam go back to school with only 15 minutes to spare. Cam hugged Drew and snuck around to avoid Maya and the rest of the hockey team.

Maya climbed onto Cam's back and wrapped her arms around him. Cam felt a sharp pain in his chest, and he accidentally dropped to the ground, Maya checked to see if he was okay. "Are you ok Cheesy?" Cam looked at Maya for a minute and then the sharp pain stopped. "Yeah, I have no idea what happened but I'm fine." Cam hugged Maya, kissing her on the lips.

Maya held onto his arm, making him come back to her. "You look so handsome Cheesy." Maya complemented her boyfriend's outfit. "Thanks." Cam kissed her, he went straight to Ms. Sauvé's office for his counselling session.

He left Ms. Sauvé's office at the same time before heading to class. He went to his usual seat in French, pulling his textbook out to start working on the hard quizzes since he didn't learn French. He grew up only learning Hindi and a little bit of Punjabi through old Bollywood movies and songs.

The final bell rang Cam was making a run to the bushes, losing Maya and everyone else in the process. Nobody was here at the park at all, Cam was all by himself. He loved the silence, so peaceful that he cracked a smile on his face.

A loud ringing noise filled the area, alerting Cam to check who might be calling him. Cam pulled his phone out of his pocket and discovered Owen's name flashing across the screen. Cam answered the call to see what he wanted. "Hi, Owen" he greeted pleasantly, transitioning from his previous afflicted tone to a more lighthearted one. Cam froze when he heard Mike, Luke, and Drew in the background, thinking what they might plan to do to him.

"Are you guys planning on doing something to me?" Cam started to get scared and terrified.

"No" Owen reassured Cam, "Believe it or not we were all thinking about you and what you've been up to. We decided to start the secret club where we bust bullies and threaten them to leave everyone alone." Cam found it amusing. Once the conversation was over Owen told Cam to be safe and not to do any dangerous stunts and hung up to enjoy the rest of the afternoon. 

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