Separated by a Fence (2)

Start from the beginning

“You are so weird,” muttered Aaron, chucking a potato chip in his mouth.

Jodie laughed. “But that’s why you love me.”

“When did I ever say I loved you?” Aaron whined.

“In your sleep,” Jodie replied.

“Stalker,” Aaron grumbled.

I chuckled. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I need to get a textbook for English, I’ll catch up with you guys later, try not to bite each other’s heads off for me, okay?”

“I can’t promise,” Jodie shrugged.

“I’ll try my best,” Aaron piped in.

I rolled my eyes, and stood up, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

“But wait, what about Luke?” Jodie questioned.

I sighed. “I’ll text him to postpone the date.”

Jodie and Aaron had a burning love/hate relationship. Yeah, their bickering could get super infuriating at times, but then at other times, it was just hilarious, sitting there and listen to them fighting.

“Well, I better find you two in one piece,” I told them, grabbing my empty tray. “Otherwise...I have no idea what I’d do.”

‘Go and jump off a 30-storey skyscraper?’ guessed Aaron.

I glared at him, and swatted at his head. “I’m leaving now.”

“Bye!” Aaron called.

“Au revoir!” Jodie yelled, making me roll my eyes again. See what I mean? The girl was obsessed with her French.

I dumped my tray in a nearby bin, and then decided to head to my office before heading to the library.

I grabbed my keys, and twisted them in, before realising the door was already unlocked. I pushed my way in, and saw that Miranda was quietly tapping away on her laptop.

I smiled, brightly at her. “Hey!”

She glanced up, and offered a small cautious smile. “Hello.”

I advanced over. “’s your day been?”

Miranda’s eyes darted to each side. “Uh...alright.”

I nodded, slowly. Okay...awkward.

Miranda was a really quiet and shy girl, and she mostly kept to herself. I never really saw her interact or socialize with anyone, except for teachers and occasionally some nerds or average people. I felt sorry for her, so I always made an effort to talk to her.

I strode to my desk, stored my bag in my locked cabinet (what was the point of bringing it with me to the library?), and grabbed my Blackberry out of it, pocketing it. Then I locked the cabinet, and wrinkled my nose at the takeaway coffee cup from this morning, still sitting on my desk, the coffee probably gone icy cold. Damn, I should’ve drunken that.

I grabbed the cold coffee, and strode to the door.

“Bye!” I declared to Miranda.

She managed a tiny smile. “Goodbye.’

I slid out of the office, and shut the door. All I got out her was the maximum of three words. No joke, I’m serious.

I dumped the coffee cup in a rubbish bin, and made my way to The Study Library.

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