23; Moonlit Melodies In Jeju.

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The house was eerily silent as he descended the stairs and made his way out through the backyard, no doubt, they'd all retired for the night. That was the least of his concerns, he had one direction in mind, the beachside.

And so, he traipsed out, his steps slowly upon reaching there and spotting his target not far from sight. The small smile he had donned earlier ceased to exist, and was replaced by an indifferent expression.

The closer he got, the clearer he could make out her features. Amina was crouched not far from where he was, with one arm on her knees while the other twirled around a sparkler in her hand almost in a daze.

There was no smile on her face, not from. It was simply bare of any expression, almost like he had zoned out of the environment, unplugging herself from the reality.

The sparkler cracked and elicited more sparks, the luminescence from it giving a warm glow to her face, making it appear even more enticing under the moonlight.

Aahil could swear for a split second he ceased to breath as he came to a stop a few inches away, his gaze on the woman that seemed to derive solace by curling herself up like that and enjoying solitude in the middle of the night.

Perhaps, it was instinctual feeling, or she could simply sense the change if air in the environment, but she snapped out of whatever trance she was lost in. Her head tilted to the sight, coming to sight with his shoe clad feet.

Then, she slowly tilted her head up, her curious gaze now meeting his indifferent ones-or as indifferent as he tried to make it seem. She then blinked once, twice, and her lips curled downwards into a slight frown though there was no trace of anger or ill feeling towards him like it usually holds.

For the first time in a long while, she wasn't staring at him like someone whom she harbors deep hatred for, because at that moment, there was little of that emotion towards him.

She dropped the sparkler on the beach sand, and pushed herself up on her feet, now standing in front of him and appearing in his words, 'short'. Truth be told, she had never seen the different in height till then. But she wasn't particularly short, she's taller than some people so that counts, right?

Now standing on her feet, Aahil gave her a quick once over that didn't last a second. Her oversized button-up shirt, with its soft fabric, drapes elegantly over her figure. The collar of the shirt rests playfully on her shoulders, hinting at a subtle allure.

The sleeves are casually rolled up just above her elbows, revealing a glimpse of her sun-kissed skin. The pants she wears are cropped, stopping just below her knees. She exposed more skin than necessary, as if the chilly air of the night wasn't a bother aside form the fact that there were males around the place.

She was unbothered, because she truly doesn't care. She said it before, she never claimed to be the perfect Muslim so she never held up to the rules all the time. She adhered to them on most days, and on others, she was simply there.

The act nagged Aahil though, more than he'd like to admit. Hence, why he found himself unfolding the overcoat he'd brought with him, and stepping closer to her. Extending his arms out, he carefully draped it over her shoulder, the article of clothing offering instant warmth and covering her completely.

Amina stilled, the scent of the cologne deeply infused in the overcoat. It hinted strong base notes of leather, oud, and patchouli, giving it a deep and rich scent. It's alluring no doubt.

He simply draped it over her shoulders, making sure it covers her up well enough. Then, he brought out the beanie and placed it on her head, covering the hair that she seems to adore leaving out in the open like that.

From Seoul With Love✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora