Chapter 28|Ministry Part 3

Start from the beginning

"That's not good, that means the magic inside there is unstabled.", Theodore said.

"So where would the ministry keep and unstabled artifacts?"

"I don't know but if we don't know where it is my father can't find it."

"True...but your father would do anything to get it."

"Wait so WE have to find it now?"

"Pansy, does it say where it's hidden?"

"No, it doesn't."

"If we can't find it we will just have to stop You-Know-Who from getting it."

The rest of of were debating what we were going to do I saw Theo at the other side of the room looking through a file.

I walked over to him and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking through this file about my mother."

"Your mother?"

"Yes, there's something I need to find out."

"And what is that?"

"If they ever found her body."

"What do you mean?"

"When my father killed her, her body was never found."

"I see, what does the file say then."

"It doesn't say anything it is fucking useless!", he says as he throws the file away.

"Theo don--"

The alarm started going off.

"What happened!"

"Blaise and Draco were messing around and knocked an artifact down."


"We need to get out of here right now."

We couldn't go back the way we came from so he had to go use a Floo Network.


Shit now guards and Auros were chasing us.

"Don't stop keep going!"

"Where are we even going V?!"

"We need to get to the floo network that's our only way out of here."

"You do know that floo network will lead to Dumbledore's office?"

"I know but I'd rather get in trouble by Dumbledore than them."

Since we didn't stop when they told us to they began shooting spells.

"Don't shoot back!"

"Seriously Regulus do you want to die?!"

One of the auros made the chandelier fall almost crushing us.


"I guess we can."


One by one the Aurors began to retreat back.

Once we arrived at the corridor where the floo network was we were relieved that we were alone.

"Come on it's this one."

Once we arrived in front of the network Aurors appeared in front of us we attempted to run away but more auros appeared behind us.

"Nowhere to go children."


"You do know it is a crime to break into the ministry?"

"We didn't break in we were just stuck trying to find a way out."

"No need to lie. ARREST THEM ALL!"

I couldn't let us get arrested so I said, "Anulus ignis!"

A ring of fire surrounded us.

"You seriously think a ring of fire will stop us?", the leader said chuckling.

"Only I can distinguish the fire and if you touch it your bloodline will be cursed for internity."

"What a lie the only way you can cast a spell like that is through Dark Magic."

I smiled at them and they said, "Your bluffing."

"She not mate."

"Let us go and everyone will forget about this.", Draco said.

They knew there was no way they could stop the fire and they couldn't risk their bloodline getting cursed.

So they all moved away from us and I distinguished the fire and we appeared in front of Dumbledore's office.

"I was beginning to wonder how long it would take you all to come back."

Heyy loves I hope you like this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. And don't forget to comment and vote

Love you all xoxo.

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