Thirty Five

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A Week Later

It's been a week since me and Omari have been back in Philly and every day is a mix of familiar and new. Another week and then it's back to Houston, but every part of me wishes Dom would just say yes and come along. Even if it's for a week or two.

Omari's been loving every minute here. He and Dom... they've got this beautiful bond. It's like watching a movie you never want to end. And now, knowing we're expecting twin girls, it's like this whole new chapter unfolding, and I find myself caring more, and worrying more about Dom. Is she good? Is she comfortable? Twins... it's exciting, it's overwhelming. Omari's all hyped up, talking non-stop about being a big brother, and I just hope he stays close to his little sisters, and really bonds with them. He's getting there with Amaya and I love that.

Of course, Dom isn't his biological mom, but the love between them, it's like nothing's missing. It's genuine, it's warm, and watching them, I feel this peace, this rightness in my heart.

While here I'll be in my head and start thinking about Victoria, back in Houston. We've been in touch, and before I knew about Dom being pregnant, I thought maybe, just maybe, there could be something there with Victoria. The age difference doesn't bother me, not one bit and it doesn't bother her. She's 30, I'm 24, so what? But, I had to assure Dom, I had to let her know there's nothing serious between me and Victoria... right now.

Every conversation with Victoria is like stepping into a different world, a world of possibilities, of what could be. But my world here, it's real, it's now. It's Dom, it's Omari, it's our unborn girls. And it tugs at me, it pulls me back every time my thoughts wander too far.

I watch Omari and Dom, and it feels like home. But the thought of Victoria lingers, it's like a whisper in the back of my mind, and I wonder, what if? What future could be there? But I push it back, push it away because right now, it's about being here, about making sure Dom's okay, about building a world for our girls, about enjoying every laugh, every moment with Omari. Of course what she did still lingers. The thoughts of her basically saying fuck you, not caring about Omari's and my feelings. It's there and it's hard not to think about. Would she do that again?

It's a lot, all these thoughts, all these emotions. It's like I'm walking on a tightrope, balancing between my life here and the life that could be in Houston. But I can't help it, can't help but wish Dom would come to Houston, would just say yes. I want her to be a part of my world there, want to build a life with her, with our kids.

And then, every conversation with Victoria is like a reminder, a reminder of the life that awaits back in Houston. It's casual, it's easygoing, but it's there, it's present. And I wonder about the roads not taken, about the paths that could unfold. But I assure Dom that my world is here, with her, with Omari, with our girls. She has to want that in return.

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