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You sprinted along the rocks with Legolas, far ahead of the others. You kept your eyes locked onto his long blonde hair, neatly tied into two braids that wrapped around his forehead. His bow and quiver bounced lightly on his back as he ran.

"Legolas! Amber!" Aragorn yelled from far behind you. Halting beside your friend, you stopped abruptly and stared down at the ground, tears leaking at the corner of your eyes. Feeling the pain from the death of Gandalf, you closed your eyelids and blinked back the tears. 

Legolas looked over, sensing the pain radiating off you. "It is alright Amber," he said softly, placing a hand on your shoulder. 

You remained silent. 

"Let us go!" Legolas grabbed your hand and gently pulled, dragging you along with him into the forest before you. Smiling, you rushed along with him.

The fellowship caught up a minute later. "These hills will be swarming with orcs soon," Aragorn said. "We must get under the trees and walk through there."

Everyone nodded in agreement and began walking into the forest, you and Legolas ahead of the rest like always. 

"Legolas, what made you—" you started, but was interrupted by an arrow being pointed straight at your neck. "Whoa." 

You stared up into the face of a blonde-haired elf man in a dark blue cloak, half hidden behind a large pine tree that towered over you. You backed slowly away, your dark purple eyes frantically searching Legolas'. 

"Do not touch her!" Legolas stepped in front of you, his left arm cast protectively across your waist. Seeing that was not enough to ward them off, he then pulled out his bow and loaded it, aiming an arrow right back at the elf's face, determined to protect you. 

You clearly did not expect for Legolas to be so overprotective, but then, he was your friend. "Legolas, it is alright," you assured him. Your friend stepped back, looking embarrassed and slightly uncomfortable. 

Another blond haired elf (who you later found out was named Haldir) emerged out from the trees. "What brings you into this forest?" he asked. 

After a thorough explanation was given, the elves led you through the forest, marching in lines of two and keeping close together. You had no choice but to follow them. You stuck close to Legolas, and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and held it there. Aragorn and Boromir exchanged looks. 

When your guides finally reached their destination, they motioned for you to follow them and glided up a balcony that winded around a tall tree. 

Lights were lit up everywhere, hanging from branches and trees, placed carefully on the wooden floors to light up the way. Most cast a silvery-purplish light, others a warm orange glow. Plants and greenery grew everywhere. Tall trees littered the place and wooden pathways winded  around trees were everywhere you looked. 

Haldir greeted Legolas and Aragorn warmly. He spoke in elvish which you mostly understood, but Boromir, Gimli and the hobbits looked completely blank, not understanding anything. 

You leaned back against a tree and closed your eyes, tired. Suddenly Legolas spoke. "Haldir will lead us to Lady Galadriel." 

You nodded and forced yourself to follow. You climbed up more steps and and reached two whitish purplish lit archways. Elves walked across circular platforms in the trees. You followed behind Legolas, the hobbits in the middle of the group and Boromir at the back. 

The fellowship soon came to a set of stairs and Haldir stopped. Two brown haired elves stood at the top. Everyone stood and waited. After a short minute or two, a pair of elves gracefully walked down the stairs. 

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