Chapter five: Friends

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You were walking along the mountainside, careful not to disturb any creature that might lurk in the cracks of rock. A lake was on one side of you, the water murky and a pale white colour mixed with blue, but black in the darkness. The mountain was on the other side, looming upwards beside you;  leaving a narrow path of dirt and gravel for you to walk on. 

Gandalf was banging on the black stone with his staff and pushing on the rock. Gimli banged on it too, using his axe, but nothing ever happened. 

You watch, exhausted, and almost collapse with tiredness. But you keep walking. The stars are shining down upon you, twinkling in the night sky. You keep your eye on them, watching and waiting for someone to find the door while Gimli mumbles on about how wonderful Moria is. 

Legolas raises his eyebrows and stares at you. You lean closer into him, knowing that this is a big step. But the prince doesn't pull away. He glances around, then puts an arm over you.

You close your eyes, relaxed for the first time in days, and put your head on his shoulder. But it lasts for only a moment. 

Aragorn looks backwards at the two of you, confused. As soon as he did this you both pull away immediately and act as if nothing ever happened. Legolas turns his gaze to the mountain and the others, and disappointed, you turn your eyes to the water. 

Suddenly Gandalf finds something, and is brushing away dust and dirt on a smooth part of rock. "We need starlight...and moonlight," you hear him say. He looks out at the night sky filled with stars just as the full moon peeks out from behind the clouds and shines over the water and rock. 

An outline in silver appears, showing a doorway covered with vines. Gandalf steps back, smiling, as everyone else just stares. 

"Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria, speak friend and enter," he read. His voice was loud and clear as he read the words on the door;  imprinted in a different language.

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry asked. 

"Oh it's quite simple," Gandalf answered quickly. He turned to face us. "If you want a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open." He stood back and spoke in a different language. It sounded strange and mysterious, and it made you feel uncomfortable. 

Nothing happened. Frodo looked at the doors with an anxious look, probably tired and hungry. The wizard spoke again. The doors remained as still as ever. 

Legolas, who had been looking at them, turned away in disbelief. You looked at him for a moment, and then turned away as well. Legolas quickly whispered, "Amber."

You walk towards him. "Yes, Legolas?" You hadn't spoken to him much, not since he launched into a kiss with you on the mountain. It had embarrassed you. Like, a lot. You and blushed every time you had looked at him. After that you had avoided speaking with him, just a little. Right now, you dared to look into his eyes and stared at the ground instead.

"I just ned to tell you...I apologise for my behaviour on the mountain, in the snow. I should not have...done what I did, and it was not at all royalty like. I hope that you will accept my apology." His voice was tight and hopeful as he said this.

 "Oh, Legolas," you sigh. "I...actually...I think that it was alright, and that it was very royalty like of you."

Legolas chuckles. He looks at the ground, then says, "I hope that now we can make acquaintances." 

You stare at him in the eye. "I would love that very much so."

He smiles, and puts an arm around you. You feel relaxed and peaceful again. Legolas stares you in the eye, and you stare back. 

Even though neither of you know it, a slight love bond has started. 

Oh my gosh! My fifth chapter published! I can't believe it! So sorry it took absolutely ages to update, I was working on other things and was super busy. It took five chapters for Legolas and Amber to start loving each other, but my work finally paid off! Please follow, vote and comment. Btw, I'll start putting pictures up ok? 😁❤️❤️


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