Chapter three: Spies

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When it was time for the you and the others to leave Rivendell, you stand at the gates; small groups of elves standing nearby to watch you depart. You are dressed in a blue dress, with bows and arrows at your back for weapons and a small dagger at your side. 

Arwen walks up to you, dressed in a silvery-purple floor length dress. "I'm going to miss you, Amber," she says, embracing you in a warm hug. 

"Me too," you say softly. "Oh, and don't worry about me. I'll be fine." 

She nods, but then hesitates to say, "Vanda?" 

You nod. "Vanda." She clasps your hand and you smile weakly. "I promise that I will keep an eye on Aragorn for you."

Arwen smiles. "Ni lassui En.  Be moina."

Then you pull back to stand with the Fellowship as Elrond speaks. 

"The ring bearer is setting out on a quest to Mount Doom. For you who travel with him, nor oath nor bond is made to travel farther then you will. Farewell; hold to your purpose and may blessings of elves and men, or free folk go with you."

He gestures to you all and gives a slight bow. Everyone in the Fellowship does the same. "The fellowship awaits the ring bearer," Gandalf says. Frodo takes a long look at Rivendell, then turns around and slowly makes his way out of the gates.

Legolas takes your hand and smiles. You feel confident and walk shyly beside him. Behind you, Aragorn smiles at Arwen, and she nods slightly at him. He nods slightly back at her and then follows you and Legolas. 

Your elf instincts prick up as you hear Frodo whisper, "Which way Gandalf, left or right?" 

"Left," Gandalf whispers back. 

Everyone follows Frodo and Gandalf. You walk across the bridge that stretches over the river in Rivendell, then along a path that leads up into the mountains. You walk for hours, over hills with rocky slopes and plains dotted with shrubs in every direction. Once you even pass the ruins of an old castle. 

"We must hold to this course West of the Misty mountains for forty days," Gandalf tells everyone as they walk. "If our luck holds, the gap of Rohan might be open to us. From there our road turns East to Mordor."

Half an hour later....

You have stopped for a rest  near some large boulders. Sam is cooking sausages and chicken on the fire, sprinkled with herbs from the Shire. Gandalf chats with Gimli as they smoke their pipes and Legolas stands on a boulder, scanning the sky for any sign of threats. 

The sound of swords clashing together fills the air as Boromir practices sword fighting with the two other hobbits, Merry and Pippin, as Frodo and Aragorn watch them. 

You are simply leaning back on a boulder, enjoying the view and resting. 

"Move your feet," Aragorn suggests to Pippin. Pippin follows Aragorn's instructions and does a bit better, but all the same, he moves back to let his cousin Merry have a go. 

"If anyone was asking my opinion," Gimli commented, "Which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf. We could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a warm welcome." 

"No, Gimli," Gandalf says, shaking his head. "I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice."

You hear noises and yells from the hobbits, but you don't care. All you care about it is what is moving fast through the sky, towards you. But then you hear a loud yell from someone. 

You turn around and see Aragorn, lying flat on his back on the ground; his eyes closed. You pick up your skirts and rush towards him, remembering your promise to Arwen. He opens his eyes and slowly stands up while you try to hide your sigh of relief.  

"What is that?" Sam asks. You look up at the sky, hearing his question, and gasp as you notice it. Black dots, moving faster towards you as each second passes. 

"Nothing, it's just a wisp of cloud," Gimli says. 

"Well, it's moving fast, against the wind," Boromir objects. 

"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas exclaims. 

"Hide!" Aragorn yells, and everyone snaps to attention. Sam puts out the fire and Frodo ducks under a large rock with Aragorn. 

The hobbits squeeze under bushes with Boromir and you glance around, looking for somewhere to hide. Legolas grabs your arm and pulls you downwards to hide with him under a boulder. Your head bangs the rock as you go down; and you land partly on Legolas, his arm wrapped around your waist. You feel dizzy and you can feel your heart beating a mile a minute; but you remain still, unmoving, hardly daring to breathe...

I hope you have all enjoyed my chapters so far! 😄 ❤️ I'll write and publish the next chapter soon as this does leave you in suspense. But I just wanted to write down some Sindarin translations. 

Vanda - promise

Ni lassui En - thank you

Moina - safe

Thank you all for reading and please comment or vote on my chapters! By the way I have just published my first chapter of a different story on Wattpad. It's called: Mirkwood Sleeping Beauty

Bye! I'll get back to you guys soon! ❤️ 📖 🖊 😊

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