Chapter eight: Battling the Moria orcs

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Hello again guys! I've been super duper busy with other things on here lately so I haven't ha d the time to write and publish another chapter of this story. I'm really sorry about that! Forgive me. 🙏 Also please comment and vote, it's really makes my day! It's really long but I'm kinda desperate to finish the parts where they are in Moria. I hope you enjoy it! 😊❤️


Gandalf spoke quietly to Frodo for a while. After a few minutes he said "Ah. It's that way." Getting up, he moved towards the far door on the right, staff in one hand and hat in the other. He put his hat on, and slowly started down the steps. 

The Fellowship moved to follow him. "How can we tell this is the right direction?" Sam asked politely. 

"The air doesn't smell so foul down here," the wizard replied. "Always follow your nose." 

As you descended the stone stairs, you soon reached more passageways like the ones you had just encountered before you reached the three doorways. This time, sunlight could be seen, just a little far away, shining through a doorframe inside a room. 

Gimli ran towards it as fast as he could go, crying "No!" His axe banged on the side of his leg as he stumbled over stones and metal on his way. The others followed, and Gandalf went inside first. It was a tomb. 

"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria," Gandalf read the dwarf writing, speaking gravely. His face radiated concern. "He is dead then. Just as I feared." 

Gimli wailed three times; recent tear marks clear on his face. He banged his head against the side of the tomb with grief and continued crying.

You looked around the small room, and saw to your dismay, more skeletons. Lots and lots of skeletons. Arrows and swords stuck in some them; a few still held spears or swords in what was left of their hands. Dirt, rocks, cobwebs and dusty helmets along with other armour littered the floor. Gandalf handed his staff to one of the hobbits and picked up a book. 

A dusty, old, thick grey book that was lying in the hands of a skeleton stuck with arrows. 

You looked at Legolas. He was watching the wizard and when he saw you staring at him he smiled. You smiled back. 

"We must move on. We cannot linger," he murmured to Aragorn. "Something moves in the darkness." 

The ranger nodded. "Yes. I agree." He nodded and his eyes followed Gandalf.

Gandalf turned the pages of the book, which turned out to be a journal, or at least someone had written in it. "They have taken the bridge, and the second hall." He read aloud, tracing his finger along the words as he translated the dwarf writing. 

"We have barred the gates, but can not hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums... drums in the deep. We can not get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. They are coming." He stopped reading. His eyes moved to the wall. 

Legolas and Aragorn kept looking behind them, as if they were afraid if something. Frodo and Sam and the other hobbits looked uncertain; their little eyes widened in fear as they realised what Gandalf was saying. 

Pippin, who held Gandalf's staff, reached out towards a large cobweb that covered a dwarfs body and head. His fingers curled around the edges of the web but the movement caused the skeleton head to tumble down the hole that it sat on. Falling fast, it banged against the sides of the hole loudly and continued falling. 

Gandalf whirled around, furious. Pippin spun to face him, guilt all over his face. 

As we all watched madly the body fell too, before dragging a metal bucket that was attached to the armour with a long rusty chain. The noises echoed throughout the deep of Moria, and as Pippin winced Gandalf took a few steps towards him. 

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