Chapter one, Part one: First glance at the prince

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It was the 25th of October, the Third Age. You are overlooking the paths of Rivendell with your cousin Arwen, thinking about when the council will arrive. The faint sounds of the waterfall nearby cascades in the distance, chiming with the loud bird song songs from the trees. You are dressed in a long silky, dark purple dress that flows around you as you walk. 

Arwen broke the silence. "Are you coming to my father's council today?" 

You look surprised. "Why yes," you say slowly. "Why?" 

Arwen smiled. "I was just wondering." Then, "Look! Prince Legolas of Mirkwood is arriving!" 

You shade your eyes from the sun and look over the balcony railing. You can see a handsome blond elf on a white horse coming up the path. He looks at you and smiles. You quickly look away, blushing as your gaze follows him.

"Prince Legolas," Arwen says and bows. You do the same. 

"No, please, call me Legolas," Legolas insists.

Arwen nods slightly. "As you wish, Legolas." After Legolas disappears from view you say to Arwen, "It is almost time for the council of your father's. We must get ready."

Arwen nods. "We must. Let us go." She turns and walks away from the balcony, her dark blue dress swishing as she walks.

You slowly follow and you both walk down the hallways and enter the large balcony where Elrond's council is about to begin. 

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