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(Doing a short one for today's promt)

Acho flashed a toothy grin at star's older brother, "Scott, can we play in waves pretty please?" The younger sibling asked excitedly.

Scott beamed, the seventeen year old Denholm heir took a hold of his eleven year old brother's hand, "Absolutely Acho!"

If there was one thing that made his golden child burnout feel any better, it was playing with his sibling in the sea, "Remember what we tell Mother and Father?"

"That you are teaching me how to be better at swimming," Acho knew his parents were bad people so they did as he was told by star's brother so they would both be safe.

"Spot on Starshine," Scott ruffled Acho's hair, "Let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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