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(Definitely not posted across from my fic, Royal or Rebel {let me have this one}, might change, might not, today had been difficult /nav)

"How are your parents? It's been forever since I've seen them," Amber asked like Kuervo didn't have a sword swinging at her.

"Mama and Papa are quite well, they still talk about you, 'the lovely little princess' is what they call you. It's adorable how much they think of you as their daughter," Kuervo responded, dodging Amber's attack.

"I love your parents, honestly, they were so much nicer than the King and Queen of Naya were to me. Send them my love and regards when you next see them for me won't you?" Amber grunted as she pushed Kuervo's sword away with her own.

"You cheeky thing," Kuervo blocked the oncoming attack, "Of course I will, you have to come visit them soon though, even if it's disguised under a diplomatic visit to my grandfather."

"I forget you're the son of King Ferdinand's bastard daughter sometimes Kuervo," Bek called from where she was sparring with Puffy.

"It's fine, I prefer to forget it too!" Kuervo groaned as a maid called time, "All that military training is working in your favour Amber," he sheathed the sword in his hand.

"Quite useful for the Queen to know how to protect herself," Amber set her sword down on a nearby bench and took a swig of water.

Red hissed as he moved his arm to stretch it, immediately pulling it back down afterwards.

"You alright bossman?" Tubbo asked, setting his sword down.

"Perfectly fine. Probably just from the dungeon, don't worry about it," Red replied, picking up his sword.

"I am going to worry," Amber spoke, moving towards the Kite after he let out a noise of understanding.

When Amber moved down the Kite's sleeve, she found a raw, red mark, "Goodness gracious, Red are you alright?"

"I am not the first pirate to be hurt in a cell and I will not be the last, it was my choice to protect the rest of the crew," Red was not looking at the mark.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kuervo hissed.

"They took two of us from each faction for 'questioning' and I won't explain that anymore. They took me, Aimee, Ros, Apo, Martyn, Oli, Cleo and Gabriel," Red hissed in pain as he rolled his neck.

Aimee looked away, tugging their sleeves anxiously.

"Disculpe mientras voy a cometer un delito grave (Excuse me while I go commit a felony)," Kuervo spat, turning to leave before Aimee grabbed his arm and shook their head.


Kuervo did not like taking no for an answer but he was resigned to break his personal rule once or twice for his friends, "Por tu bien, no lo haré (For your sake, I won't)."

"Thank you, I just don't want you getting hurt," Aimee spoke softly.

"I will deal with him in a manner befitting a queen. Or more so an angry queen who will not be suffering the consequences of her actions," Amber spoke coolly, and if one looked hard enough, they'd see a slight green glow in her eyes but alas, no one did look close enough to see it.

"And we will be the good pirates we are and pretend we didn't hear that," Puffy let out a hearty chuckle.

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