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"Hey there, it's been a while huh? I've got to stop waiting so long in between our conversations. Hey, at least this time I have a fairly valid excuse for missing our time together.

To be honest with you, I've been trying to figure out what to say to my parents when they get back to the Faction Isles tomorrow. I know, I know, I told you I wouldn't waste my breath on them but there are things I want... no... need to say to them about how they treated me as a kid.

I miss the days, or should I say nights? Or maybe time? Sorry, I'm rambling again, but you're used to that. I miss the times we'd sit together and just talk about life with no expectations of pity or shame, just talking because talking made us both feel better.

I miss you, a lot, sometimes it's scary how the thoughts of you hit me all at once and I realise we can't have sad boi hours together anymore.

Anyways, I should get to bed sometime soon, big day tomorrow, what with Hudson and Aurelia coming back. I promise I'll talk to you tomorrow night about how it goes with Hudson and Aurelia. And yes, because I know you're nagging me about it even if I can't hear you, no alcohol before the meeting and only moderate amounts afterwards.

Will's already promised to make sure I don't overdrink tomorrow. I think you two would have been good friends if you ever got the chance to meet now I think about it.

Alright, alright, I'm going to bed now, I promise. Goodnight old friend and I miss you."

Acho stood from star's slab and picked it up, sending a quick smile upwards to the stars, "Goodnight old friend."

And with that, star made his way to their bed and curled up for the night, feeling a bit better after talking to the stars.

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