Chapter 05

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"So... how's the first day huh?"

Jimina asked while taking a seat in front of me at the cafeteria.

"Everything feels like a dream" I told with a huge sigh.

"That's means.... You like here?"

"Well, of course yes.. But I wish I was better, I mean... if I had a better image.."

"You will"


"um.. well I just.. have a feeling!"

"What feeling?"

"A feeling that your good day will arrive... sooner"


"I- never mind... So.. you are going start work from tomorrow right?"

"Yep.. Wait wait- That means... Am I gonna see you every day? Whoa!!"

"Mm.. actually.. that can't be guaranteed"


"You know Yoori, I'm the secretary of the CEO... These days he's abroad.. But he will arrive soon, possible within this week.. So I'll have more work and will be very busy.. He's very strict about work.. specially about the fashion side"


"Last but not least, you'll also have to work so hard.. you're also a fashion designer now"

"Hm.. But what he has special for.. fashion?"

"Who knows.."

"Nice SecREtAry!!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Today we were able to leave a bit early since we didn't have to work. When I stepped outside it was very sunny.. not harshly sunny but pleasant.

Why should I waste a pretty day like this inside an apartment? That's what I thought.

A solo date for my achievement! Sounds great.

I bought an ice coffee by a nearby café, my much loved drink ever! Plane coffee, hot coffee, ice coffee, black coffee, this and that coffee whatever, coffee was just perfect!

I was walking in a street which was being shadowed by the trees planted besides the road. It was like they were welcoming me.
There weren't much people around. There was a person in a giant teddy bear costume waving to everyone.

I kept looking at all these things when I saw a little shop. It was an accessories shop. It looked cute from outside, so I got a yearning to go inside.
I went inside and the bell rang. The sunlight rays were pouring inside to the shop through the glass windows making all the accessories sparkled.
My eyes loved the view and my inner child became selfish wishing if I could buy all of them. So I walked around the shop trying to find a good one for me.

While pacing, my way got blocked by a tall, slender figure. I became shocked and I was about to bump on him, so before that happens I looked up.

Doctor oppa!


He was also looking at the jewels that he didn't notice me at first. He turned to me with the same shocked expression as me, when he heard my voice

"Yoori! What a coincidence?"

"Yeah.. And I never excepted you to be.. here?"

"Oh yeah ..hehe" He said while looking down shyly.

"Don't be shy doctor oppa.. Well, I don't think you're finding something for.. yourself"


"Then for..?"

MEANT TO BE {JUNGKOOK FF} - ON HOLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें