i think you hit your head. like, hard

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Lori couldn't keep the smile off her face after reuniting with Paul the night prior

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Lori couldn't keep the smile off her face after reuniting with Paul the night prior. The two had caught up about a lot of things including Pauls family and younger sister who she had never met.

"Yea my mum had another kid just before my dad left, her names Dakota" Paul had told her last night. And after the party had died down a bit Paul had offered to walk her out to Embry's truck down the road so she wouldn't be on her own. She had gladly accepted the offer.

"You're in a good mood this morning" Jasper said from the drivers seat, Emmett had called her that morning to tell her Jasper would be getting her for school  instead because he was running late, so here she was in the back seat of Jasper and Alice's car on her way to school, her hand uncociously fiddling with her necklace.

"She went to a party last night Jas, she probably met someone" Alice wriggled her eyebrows suggestivley to the girl in the back seat.

"Ew no! I just... saw someone I haven't seen in a while thats all" Lori explained. Alice rasied a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at her "And i really liked seeing him" Lori shrugged again.

"Oh so it was a him?" Alice teased her, Lori's face flsuhed a crimson colour before she scoffed and continued talking to Alice about what had happened between Jess and Mike.

When arriving at the school, the two Cullens' and one Sommers walked through the crowded hallways, when the trio reached Lori's locker Alice and Jasper bid her farewell. Whilst she was searching for her stuff she was approached by Bella, she quickly turned and smiled at Bella in an effort to say you dont have to stand that far away, you can come closer. Which Bella did, shuffling closer to the girl with the long hair.

"Hey I heard Jacob Black visited your house last night" Lori gently started, "How did that go?"

"Oh... I - I um"  Bella quickly stutered.

"I'm friends with some of the guys from the Reservation, where he lives. We're freinds by extension" Lori explained. "I promise I'm not like, stalking you or anything" she assured Bella.

Bella only smiled at her began recalling her night to Lori gently, Lori giggling along politley at the jokes recited and asking questions when she felt was necessary. Lori prided herself on being able to make people comfortable, which she supposed was reflected in the frequency of people she would consider friends, Bella now being one of them which she was happy about. Hopefully it meaning that Bella would settle into the small town a bit easier.

"Hey, you're freinds with the Cullens, right?" Bella gently asked the girl.

"Oh yea, I think i'd consider most of them my freinds yea, although I've never met Mrs Cullen" Lori explained.

"What's Edwards deal?" Lori furrowed her eyebrows at that. What did Bella mean?

" I guess hes just shy?" she suggested. "Trust me that whole family barely ever open up to anybody, Edward included. Just give it some time, be patient and kind and he should eventually warm up to you" Lori then shit her locker, double checking it was locked properly before turning to Bella, hiking her bag furthter up onto her shoulder. "Why do you ask?"

Bella shrugged "He was just acting a bit weord around me in Bio yesterday, I was just hoping I didn't offend him or anything"

"I'm sure you didnt" Lori ressured the girl. "I have to get to Chemistry, I'll catch you later?"

"Yea sure, Bye Lori"

"Bye Bella"

The day went surprisingly quickly for Lori and by the end of the day she was walking with Bella towards Bella's red pickup. Bella had impusivley invited the girl back to her house, Charlie had told her to branch out a bit and make friends, and Lori had been the nicest to her so far so it was an obvious choice. Lori was perched on the back of Bella's car, humming silently to herself, twisting the ring on her index finger around. Bella was heading over to say goodbye to Jess and Angela so Lori had volunteered to put their stuff in the car quickly so Bella could come straight back to the car and the pair could leave.

Spotting Bella heading back to the truck Lori jumped off the tray, closing the back quickly and smiled as Bella stumbled slightly on her way towards her. The sound of screeching tyres interupted Lori's thoughts, her eyes widening when she spotted a mini van hurtling towards Bella and herself. Lori quickly turned and tried to usher Bella backwards away from the open carpark but Bella was frozen, the van slammed into the side of Bella's truck and Lori felt someones cold hand grab her elbow and pull her back. she lifted a hand to protect her eyes and face, but found that when she lifted her hand up to protect herself, a blinding light instead erupted from her hands.

Lori's ears were ringing  and she was sure she had imagined that bright light, a trick from her brain. she had convinced herself. she wasn't hurt badly but she had scraped her elbows and hands, Bella, she thought she frantically searched for the girl who was with her and found her atleast 3 feet away from her.

"Bella! Bella are you ok? can you hear me?" she shook the stunned girls shoulder. Bella's head lolled forwards slightly, Lori crawled over and let Bella rest her head on Lori's shoulder.

"I tihnk you hit your head" Lori explained, "like super hard"

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