party tonight, you in?

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Lori was running late, normally she wouldnt be this late but she had gotten distracted by some of the baby deer outside her house (one of the plus sides of moving where no one else was around), but now she was currently racing to find her copy of ...

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Lori was running late, normally she wouldnt be this late but she had gotten distracted by some of the baby deer outside her house (one of the plus sides of moving where no one else was around), but now she was currently racing to find her copy of essential calculus with examples.

The noise of a blaring horn cut through her quiet mumbling about her missing textbook,

"I'm late! I'm so late oh god!" she squealed "Where is it?"

The horn sounded again after a few seconds, scrambling to the door she flung it open wide waving with a smile to the jeep parked outside her house. She held up 2 fingers, two minutes, and fled back into the house in a last effort to find her textbook. Grumbling slightly when she realised she probably had just left it as school over the weekend, she slung her bag over her shoulder and quickly exited the house. locking the door after her.

"I'm so sorry" she quickly apologised, "I couldnt find my calculus textbook anywhere, I spent half the morning looking for it!"

This was half true, she did wake up early with the plan to drink her vanilla coffee outside on the front porch wrapped in a blanket. Which again she had halfed managed to do before she got distracted.

"Running after rabbits again, Lor?" Emmett chuckled at her as he pulled out of her driveway. Lori quickly secured herself in the backseat of Emmett's Jeep before leaning her head forward over the centre console to disagree with him.

"No it was baby deer this time" she sheepishly admitted before turning to Emmett's passenger seat, "Morning Rose"

"Good morning Lori, Alice wanted me to give you this im not really sure what it is" Rosalie had said passing a canvas bag over to the girl, "Oh my god! It's my textbook thats where it went" Lori lifted the book from the back and heaved a sigh of relief, clutching a hand to her neck, fidgeting with the golden locket clasped around her neck. "My mom wouldve killed me if I lost that, textbooks' cost us a fortune this year"

Lori had no idea when her and the Cullens had even started talking, Alice had introduced herself on their first day at Forks High School and from that point on they had all just been friends. It also helped that the Cullen family were just a bit further down the road meaning she saw them almost everyday, which prompted Emmett to start offering her a ride to school every morning after he saw her cycling one rainy afternoon. Not that Lori was complaining she loved having people around and the Cullens were and always had been lovely to her and her mother.

When they arrived at the school, Emmett pointed out a rusted, red truck. making a joke about a 'bucket of scraps' and it needing a new paint coat. New. Lori thought, how odd. Qucikly bidding Rosalie and Emmett goodbye she made her way through the crowded hallways to her locker where she grabbed her note book for her first period which was AP English.

"HEY SOMMERS!" a voice called just as she was closing the door to her locker. She smiled slightly and shook her head before turning to the voice. "Morning Jess"

"You're very chipper for a Monday morning. Did something happen over the weekend?" Jess smirked and nudged her friend with her shoulder, Jessica Stanley was intersting to put it one way. Lori loved her, she was outgoing and had made Lori feel welcomed to her friend group as soon as she had moved to Forks from La Push. The two surprisingly also had more in common then they originally thought.

"No Jess nothing happened, unless you count this" she said slyly pulling out a flyer, or what used to be a flyer for a party being held in La Push. Lori was pretty sure it was for someones 18th and Embry had been keen to go, telling her she should invite a friend.

"Party tonight Jess, you in?"

Jess scoffed almost in disbelief,

"I'm so there" she quickly pulled Lori's arm and the two girls headed towards their English room together.

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