Pool Party - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you've got to try this—it's seriously amazing," Yeni-Cho recommended a dish to Amaia, as they both tried to fit in as many thing as they could on their plates.

Amaia happily took her advice, and they chatted easily. She only remembered the girl by her very smooth hip hop moves during the battles, her team not having lost once. Yeni-Cho had also made everyone laugh in their rookie video, especially when she had to twerk, clearly out of her element with some moves. The girl definitely had Amaia's respect and was super easy to hang around with:

"Hey, girl, what's it like dancing with THE Kirsten?" Yeni-Cho asked, looking like she was searching for some gossip.

Amaia chuckled, "Oh, you have no idea—I'm still trying to process it! "

"I know, right? I thought about making a vlog, but I doubt the production would approve," Yeni-Cho shared; laughing.

"Bahaha you're right, I feel like I expect a camera at any moment telling me we've been a part of a social experiment! I'd definitely watch your vlogs though you should try, to have some behind-the scenes-moment" Amaia's mind briefly wandered back to the previous evening's encounter with Bada. She tried not to blush, or cringe, at the thought that she might have humiliate herself.

Yeni-Cho grinned, "Deal! We could even co-host my next vlog if you're up for it."

"It's a plan!" Amaia agreed, and the lively conversation continued as Chocol and Haechi joined them. Audrey, on the other hand, was busy getting to know Yoonji, who turned out to be quite different from her on-screen persona when the competition wasn't as intense.

Suddenly, voices could be heard approaching the entrance, and Amaia immediately recognized a certain Bebe member's voice. Before she had time to prepare herself, Bada and her crew burst in, sporting matching swimsuits and armed with water guns, launching into a playful water battle that splashed everyone.

"Woohooooo!" Minah screamed in delight.

"The best lifeguard crew has arrived!" Cheche added, and the crowd erupted in cheers. The Brbr girls jumped straight into the pool, and everyone else followed suit, kicking off a water battle. As everyone was trying to run away from everyone, Amaia found Tatter who doused her with her water gun.

"Tatter, are you trying to actually drown me? Poor excuse for a lifeguard, you must know," Amaia teased. Tatter feigned offence "Oh no ! Wait I'm coming to the rescue!" as she dived to her side, Amaya playing along as the damsel in distress, falling dramatically into Tatter's arms. Laughter filled the air at their dramatic antics, but Amaia could not help but breathe in a little bit better after exchanging wordlessly with Tatter. Everything was still fine, or so it appeared.

"How have you been ?" Asked Tatter, "I'm sorry it did not get to talk to you as much as I would have wanted"

"Don't fret about it girl it's fine! I'm glad we have the moment for some quality time though" Amaia replied nicely.

"Definitely" agreed tatter who also looked relieved. They both glanced at the water fight was that was still going on behind them. "I don't know if itthey day will be that restfull though" they concluded bursting out laughing. Their laughs had caught Bada's attention, although she would never admit she was watching Amaia since the moment she had arrived at the pool. Her cute purple top was not helping her in trying to play nonchalant but so far, she had managed to keep a normal and unsuspicious distance.

Amaia couldn't help but feel giddy as she looked across the pool and met Bada's gaze. The team's leader smiled at her, and a wave of relief washed over Amaia. It seemed like nothing had happened the night before, and she hoped that meant Bada didn't regret or want to ignore what had happened.

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