"Are you ready to see what we brought you?" Kristie asks her.

"Yes please." She claps happily with glee.

"Me first." Wesley declares giving her his sticker.

"A crown?" Kennedy asks taking it from him.

"Yes because you're my princess." Wesley grins at her.

"Thank you Wes, I love it." She replies giving him a brief hug.

"It's kind of in the nose if you ask me." Baron grunts.

Baron is right, Wesley didn't even think outside the box but it's still a nice sticker.

"Oh yeah smartass? Let's see what you brought her?" Wesley retorts.

Baron grins proudly and holds out his sticker for everyone to see.

"Albert Einstein? Really dude? You're giving her a sticker of an old dude?" Wesley chuckles.

"I will have you know that Albert Einstein is a world-famous genius from the 20th-century. I knew you were all going to give her childish stickers so I thought I'd tickle her brain. Kennedy appreciates the genius of one of the greatest theoretical physicists to ever live. He developed the theory of relativity which is the backbone of physics." Baron rants.

"B enough before you and Wesley get into a hissy fit. You are right, Einstein is a hero of mine and I appreciate the sticker. Thank you." Kennedy says taking the sticker from him.

"You are welcome. Take that Wesley." Baron grins.

Wesley slaps the back of his head but before Baron can retaliate I pull the two of them apart.

"Behave yourself boys. This morning is about Kennedy so stop it. Kristie why don't you give Kennedy your sticker." I suggest in hopes to divert the boys attention away from each other.

Kristie gives her a sticker of Scar from the Lion King movie that says 'Hakuna matata bitch'.

"I wanted to give you one of Simba but that was too cliche. This is is much more badass like you." Kristie declares.

"It's perfect. Thanks Kristie." Kennedy smiles taking it from her.

I realize that I am the only one left so I reach into my hoodie for the sticker I personally made for her.

"This is from me." I reply giving her a sticker of Ruby licking ice cream.

"Is this Ruby?" She asks me looking at it with a smile on her face.

"Yes, I figured since you two got along so well, I'd give you a sticker of her as a placeholder for the dog you get yourself one day." I explain.

"That really sweet. Thanks Iz." She smiles and I get a hug.

"You are welcome."

I step back and we all watch her as she sticks her new stickers on the inside of her locker. I expect her to put them in a random order but she places them in a circle with the crown in the middle. I have no idea why she chose that order but it looks nice.

"So who won?" Wesley asks.

Kennedy turns to him with a confused look on her face. "Won what?"

"The sticker challenge. Who gave you the best sticker?" He explains.

"I didn't know it was a competition." Kennedy questions looking at me for help.

I shrug at her because I am just as confused as she is.

"It wasn't but if you were to choose a favorite which one would it be?" Wesley insists grinning at her.

It's clear what he's after.

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