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I slipped out of Mom's bedroom as quietly as possible but Unity was out like a flash. She stared at me suspiciously.

"What was all that noise last night?" She asked, jutting out her hip and glaring. 

I blushed painfully. "Mom was just upset. She cried a bit because Amdrew didn't want her anymore. She's resting right now... she needs a few days away from people and asked me to take you home with me ... for a sleepover. You'll like that, won't you?" 

"Why? Why can't I stay at my friend Dossy's?"

"Because you don't want to be dossing down with Dossy. I'm your sister." I snapped.

"Well you haven't been acting like one ..." Uni muttered but she went to pack her things.

I went in to say goodbye to Mom. She didn't even stir when I opened the door. Her red nightgown looked messed up in the morning light. I drew the curtains together and sprayed her hyacinth perfume liberally to drown out the reek of must and sleep.

"Goodbye Mom."

We got three busses to my apartment. When we went up Mrs Liria had everyone's letters on her doormat. They were all torn open. She tossed a letter to me.

"Post came. It's from your ... ex."

"Thank you." I struggled to unlatch the door while Mrs Liria ranted on. "You'll make your sister gay too. It's so disappointing. Disgusting. Like a dog licking at a man's balls... I ain't homophobic I had two great aunties who were both gay, bless their souls. They wanted to get married and went to prison for it. Because marriage is DEFINED as a man and woman joining as one, if you change the context of marriage for one lusty derangement, then you MUST change the context for bestiality, computer love, doll love and all others. I personally don't want to see that, do you?"

I slammed the door on the old bitch. We were inside. We were safe.

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