1. "A single twist of fate can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary."

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Opening scene: a shot of the infinitely vast universe with an uncountable number of galaxies slowly zooming in, getting closer to a specific galaxy (our galaxy). The zoom speed increases as it reaches our solar system.

*The screen fades to black.*

Scene: An alarm goes off on the black screen as a close-up of a boy's eyes opens from the sound of the alarm.

A woman (older than the boy) is yelling at the boy, trying to wake him up.

"VAE! That alarm has gone off ten times already. Wake up! You're going to be late for school," says the woman with a frustrated look on her face.

*Shot*: The boy gets up in his bed, looks around, and yawns. Followed by a montage of him getting ready, where he puts on a broken watch (focus shot) with upbeat music playing. Camera pans throughout his room where lots of video games along with movies/anime posters and disc's can be seen.

*Scene end*

Vae wears his shoes and opens his apartment's door ready to leave.

"I'm leaving," says the boy to the woman before closing the door.

"Alright" the women replies back to vae.

As he is walking to school, he spots a number of people going through their daily routine. People on bikes, people jogging in the parks, people walking their pets in the beautiful summer morning"

As vae continues walking a girl's voice calls out to him. "You're still wearing that broken watch, Vae?"

The camera pans back and up to a beautiful-looking girl smiling, standing behind Vae.

"What's wrong with wearing broken watches? Nowadays, they're just for looks, you know!" says Vae to the girl.

*Shot*: The mysterious girl and Vae start walking together.

"Didn't I tell you to come by the shop? My dad can replace the broken glass and battery and make it as it was," the girl replies to Vae.

"Nahhhh! It's fine; I don't need to get it fixed. I have my phone for the time!" says Vae.

"Wearing broken watches is a bad omen! Plus, I broke that watch, so let me fix it," replies the girl.

"June, forget about it. It's fine! Plus, i don't believe in omens" says Vae.

"You're so lazy," replies June.

"Im so not" insist Vae while chuckling.

*Shot*: As Vae and June are walking, Vae spots a poster on the wall saying "SPACE WON'T SAVE YOU" with a disturbing picture of a creature crawling out of a crashed UFO.

"Oh yeah, did you hear what they were saying on the news yesterday?" says June.

"Eh, no? I was busy playing video games; I don't have time for news. What were they saying?" asks Vae.

"They were saying a UFO crashed near the abandoned airport last week. People say they saw creatures crawling out" says June.

"People? what people?" -Asks Vae out of curiosity.

"Shadow people" replies June

"Shadow people???.. Reallly?" - Vae replies in a skeptical manner.

"YES! and they were able to lift their ships or ufo's and turn them to dust. Afterward, those people vanished into thin air!" says June.

"Yeah?? Into thin air," Vae replies to June in a mocking way.

"Bro, that's what the news said, but they didn't have any evidence to back it up, though, just witnesses," says June.

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