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Amara sat on the couch watching television as she rubbed her stomach. Her little one was being overactive and had been kicking nonstop all day. It was almost becoming unbearable. She'd tried to take a nap earlier but hadn't been successful. So, she'd decided to make herself a snack and find a show or movie to watch.

She'd been sitting there for a couple of hours when she got the urge to pee. Standing up, she took two steps and then felt as if a dam had broken. Looking down, she found a small puddle between her feet. Amara stared at it for a few seconds before her eyes widened.

Picking up her phone off the table, she called Dorian. It was the middle of the day, so she hoped he wasn't in a meeting. She knew he tended to answer his mobile for her, even if he was in one, unless he absolutely could not.

"Hey, bébé," he greeted after the third ring.

"Hi, um..."

"Is everything okay?" Dorian questioned when she trailed off.

"My water broke."

"When?" Amara could hear him moving around.

"Just now," she responded as she made her way out of the living room.

"Okay, get Adina, and I'll call Dr. Franklin. I'll be home soon."

Amara nodded even though he couldn't see her. "I will. I'll see you when you get home."

They hung up, and Amara sent a message to her mother as she went down the hall. They'd turned one of the bedrooms downstairs into a delivery room since she'd chosen to have a home birth. It had everything she needed to make delivery easier for her. She'd just walked in when her mother caught up with her.

"Are you okay?" Adina asked.

"I am. Just a little wet."

"Let's get you cleaned up and into your delivery gown," her mother responded, helping Amara to the attached bathroom.

She helped her get undressed and cleaned up, even though she'd get dirty again during delivery. Once in her delivery gown, her mother placed a contraction patch on her back and helped her onto the bed. Amara took deep breaths, realizing that her little one wasn't being overactive. She'd been having mini contractions. Amara knew the patch would kick in when the pain intensified.

Amara lay in bed for twenty minutes while her mother moved around the room. There wasn't anything for her to do since the room had been stocked and set up months prior, and the cleanliness was maintained weekly. She figured her mom was just trying to stay busy.

Dorian walked through the door, and her attention turned to him as he made his way to the bed. He leaned down and kissed her softly before sitting on the bed beside her.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," she responded as he took her hand in his.

"Dr. Franklin should be here in the next ten minutes. Do you need me to get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine for now. Just sit here with me," Amara requested. "Tell me how work was."

Amara listened to Dorian tell her about work until Dr. Franklin walked in. Greetings went around, and he smiled at Amara before placing down his medical bag and going into the attached bathroom. He came out a few minutes later, his hands wet, and her mother handed him one of the white towels from the self. He pulled on a pair of gloves before turning to her.

"Okay, Amara, let's see how dilated you are."

It didn't matter that Amara knew to expect this or the fact that Dr. Franklin had seen between her legs before. It didn't make it any less embarrassing. However, she got into position and looked up at the ceiling. She pulled a face as she felt his fingers, and Dorian kissed her hand.

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