20: Honeymoon Night

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Dorian led Amara into the hotel suite, tipping the bellhop and telling him that he could leave their suitcases by the door. He watched Amara look around the open living room, dining room, and kitchen area before walking over to the balcony and stepping out onto it. She'd changed on the plane and was now wearing a soft pink dress, her hair down.

Dorian stepped out onto the balcony behind her. He placed his hands on her waist as she leaned against the railing, looking out over the scenery. He'd chosen the suite with a view of the ocean and white sand. He'd wanted to ensure they weren't disturbed by neighbors, so he'd rented the two rooms beside the suite and the three across from them.

Amara leaned back against him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. It was a little after ten o'clock, but people were still on the beach. Fires were going, and people were in the water, but they couldn't hear them from where they were.

She turned in his arms and placed her hands on his chest. Dorian watched her glance at the ring on her finger before looking up at him.

"You're my mari now," she stated, and Dorian leaned down and kissed her.

"I always was," he spoke against her lips. "This just made it, so the world knew." Amara smiled at him. "I'm going to take our luggage into the bedroom," he told her, releasing her as she nodded.

Dorian went back inside, getting their suitcases from by the door and taking them into the bedroom. The room was large. Dorian knew it was larger than the average bedroom but smaller than theirs at home. He placed the suitcases by the closet, opening it and finding the things he'd requested inside before going into the attached bathroom.

He'd asked that they stock the room with particular things, and he was pleased to see that they'd been able to do as he asked after checking the cabinet under the sink. Deciding that he would bathe before running Amara a bubble bath, he started the shower, going to fish his toiletry bag out of his suitcase, and began to undress. He was sure she would stay on the balcony for a bit. She'd never been to the beach and was excited to go, so Dorian figured she would sit there for a while.

After Dorian finished his shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and started the water in the large spa tub. He'd asked that they have bubble bath, essential oils, and candles in the bathroom, which they'd complied with and placed under the sink.

As the water ran, Dorian set up a couple of candles on the bathtub, and several along the sink, lighting them before adding essential oils and bubble bath into the bathtub. When he had everything set up, and the tub was filled enough, he turned the water off, dimmed the lights, and went back into the bedroom.

Dorian took a pair of boxers out of his suitcase and slipped them on, rolling her suitcase into the bathroom. He didn't want to go through her things, and she be uncomfortable if he'd done so. He returned to the balcony, where he found Amara sitting in one of the chairs. She looked at him before her eyes fell to his chest, dropping down over his abdomen.

"Come inside, bébé," Dorian requested, holding his hand out. Amara took it and stood to her feet.

He led her inside, closing and locking the balcony door behind them. Dorian took her into the bathroom, and Amara looked around before turning to smile at him.

"Get in and relax. I'll see you when you get out."

Dorian left Amara to enjoy her bath, closing the door behind him to give her privacy and set up the room without her seeing him. He removed everything from the closet and decided to set up a few candles, lighting them before spreading the soft petals over the bed. Dorian also made a trail from the bathroom door to the bed with them.

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