23: Threats, Misunderstanding & A Beat Down

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Dorian wasn't ready to be back at work, the past two weeks going by far too fast, but he'd enjoyed his uninterrupted time with Amara and indulged in her every chance he got. Now, as he sat in his office, all he wanted to do was be at home in bed with her. If it weren't for his meeting in half an hour, he would have called it a day and gone home.

Two of his clients wanted to meet with him, and Dorian figured they wanted to increase the amount of petrol they received each month since that was what they'd wanted the last time he'd met with them. While the businesses were separate, they were run by two cousins, and it was easier to meet with them together.

While he waited, he went over two contracts for new clients that were picked up while he was away. Azra had the standard contract drawn up, and Dorian agreed with the terms. He sent an email to Austin telling him to set appointments with the clients at the beginning of next week to sign the contracts. Dorian knew he would use the rest of the week to go over things that happened in his absence, and he would go check in at a few of his petrol plants on Friday.

Right on time, Austin showed the Cooper cousins into his office, and Dorian gestured for them to have a seat.

"What can I do for you, gentleman?"

"We...wanted to speak to you about a concern we have," Pete, the oldest of the two, stated.

"And what would that be?" Dorian questioned.

He watched the two men share a look as if they were having a conversation, and Pete inclined his head the slightest toward Mike, who seemed to refuse whatever Pete was suggesting. Dorian could feel the nervous energy coming off them, and he assumed they were worried about angering him. Dorian wasn't known for his patience regarding his company, especially if you were wasting his time and resources. He also was not one to bend. So, he figured they wanted to terminate their contracts without paying them out or to negotiate the price they were paying.

"Contrary to what you may have thought, I don't have all day," Dorian informed them.

"Right," Pete stated, and it seemed he would be the one to do the talking for them. "It's come to our attention that you've gotten joined...to a Brown."

He could see where this was going, and it was not in the direction he'd first thought it would. It seemed they weren't happy with his decision to be with Amara. Not that Dorian gave two shits about what anyone thought of his relationship. It was almost commendable that they'd come to him to speak on it and give him their disapproval because he knew it was coming. Yet, utterly idiotic on their part, as it seemed they did not understand self-preservation. Both of their businesses depended ninety-two percent in part on the product he offered, and here they were, about to cut their nose off to spite their face.

"I did," Dorian chose to keep his answer simple. If they were going to hang themselves, he wanted them to kick the stool over; he wouldn't do it for them.

Again, the two blue-eyed men sitting across from him shared a look, and Dorian wondered if they would have the courage to do what they'd come to. If they could go through with giving him the ultimatum, they'd prepared as if he needed their business.

"For someone of your status, that was unwise and unacceptable," Mike stated as if informing Dorian of his opinion was something he should care about, but he didn't.

He leaned back in his chair, propping his elbows on both armrests and lacing his fingers together as he shifted his eyes from one man to another. He watched them shrink in on themselves slightly under his gaze, but that wasn't enough.

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