15: Lunch at Work

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Amara looked between the two gifts she'd narrowed it down to. She was having a hard time choosing between the two of them. Amy stood close by, surveying the items as well, but the other woman hadn't commented on them. She'd asked Amara questions to help her narrow it down. Now, she was letting Amara choose for herself.

It was only after being torn for a few more minutes that she decided to get them both. She would give him one as a joining gift and the other for his birthday since it was a few months after their joining. She informed the salesperson and her purchases were rung up.

Dorian had given her access to his account, but Amara didn't know if he would be able to figure out what she bought if she used it. She wanted her gift to be a surprise. So, she'd called Lauren and asked if the items could be put on her store account as well. Lauren didn't have a problem with it, and Amara was grateful.

Once her gifts were wrapped, Amara thanked the salesperson, and she and Amy exited the shop. It hadn't taken as long as she thought it would to make her decision, and she wasn't ready to go back to the house yet. She decided that they'd go and have lunch.

Amara wasn't sure where she wanted to go because there were still so many places she hadn't been to that she didn't know about. So, she'd asked Amy to choose a place, and they ended up at a Japanese restaurant. Amara was sure Amy chose it because Amara had come to realize she enjoyed Japanese food. Willian had cooked a few different meals that she'd enjoyed.

While they were waiting on their food, Amara received a message from Dorian inquiring how her day was going so far and what she was currently doing. She responded that it was fine and that she was hanging out with Amy. Amara then asked him if he'd eaten lunch. She'd come to realize that often, he worked through his lunch break to get things finished early, or he'd be so busy he'd forget.

When he told her that he hadn't, Amara asked Amy if she knew how to get to Dorian's office since she was driving them around. Amy told her that she did, and Amara decided she would take Dorian lunch once they were finished.

"Your joining is around the corner. I know you're excited," Amy stated.

Amara nodded. "I am, but I'm nervous as well. There's going to be people there that I've never met before, and everyone will be watching us."

Amy laughed softly. "I don't think you'll even notice them once you're standing there in front of Dorian. I'm sure he won't be able to take his eyes off of you and you him."

"Yeah, you're probably right. The closer it gets, the more excited I become, though."

"And it's literally right around the corner," Amy responded as their server returned with their food.

Amara had been a bit nervous when they'd first walked into the restaurant. Here they were, two browns by themselves, and she'd expected them to get dirty looks, but they hadn't. Amara mildly wondered if it was because Amy had her show her joining mark when they arrived.

As they ate, the two talked some more about the joining and plans Amy had to take a vacation when the weather changed. The other woman was a fan of snow and liked to travel when it began to fall. Amara hadn't seen snow in person. Alun would get cold, but it didn't snow there. She was looking forward to when the snow began to fall in Ulna.

A few minutes before they finished their food, Amara put in an order for Dorian. She wasn't sure what he'd like, and she wanted to surprise him with it, so she'd let Amy help her choose two different dishes and order them both.

Once Dorian's food was brought out and wrapped to go, Amara paid the bill, left their server a tip, and they made their way to the car. She slid into the passenger seat, and Amy pulled out, heading toward Dorian's office. The roads were busy due to the time of day. Amara assumed most people were going to do what she'd just finished.

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