The four watched the dust clear with keen eyes. Hinata could still see Madara's Chakra flow steadily as if he hadn't been fighting the four of them for the past few minutes.

When the smoke cleared Madar stood up and wiped the blood that trickled down his head with a smile. He burst into maniacal laughter.

"Impressive! That actually hurt, infact-" he knocked his fist against his chest, "- I think you broke a bone, hahaha! This is fun!" He cracked his neck and rolled his arm around. "But let's skip to the good part,"

A murky Chakra cloak flowed around him and began to gro larger and larger. The four watch was Madara called on the 10 tails Chakra, but he didn't stop there. They further watched as the dark blue armour from his Susanoo covered the beast.

Naruto stared at it with wide eyes before looking at Sasuke. "Oi... can you do that to Kurama?" He asked.

Sasuke just gave a tired sigh. "Hn"

"Or, you could summon Kurama, I can get Isobu and Sasuke can use his Susanoo to protect Hinata, so it's a minimum of three against one," Haku poimted out.

"Ah what!? But Kurama would look so cool! With Armour and stuff, like he could swing his sword like fwa! Fwa!" Naruto announced as he tried to demonstrate.

Hinata was rubbing her temples. She could feel a headache growing and it was getting worse by the minute.

None of the four really cared about the tailed beast bomb that was being made. Probably because they all knew Sasuke had a plan for it since he wasn't panicking.

"Naruto your desire to see a fox dressed as a samurai is not on the top of anyone's priority list," Haku announced.

"You're telling me you don't think Isobu would look Amazing wearing armour!?" Naruto yelled.

"We have bigger things to worry about," he replied.

The wind picked up dangerously. Sasuke and Hinata stared at the Beast bomb both with equal levels of exhaustion. Hinata gave him a gentle pat on the back.

"I believe that is for you," she said with a soft smile.

Sasuke looked at her with mild shock. "No... hime... please don't tell me you picked up our sarcasm..." He held a Kunai in hand and marked it before throwing it straight to the bomb. The second it collided, Sasuke teleported the Bomb, Far away into the middle of the ocean where he knew one of Orochimaru's old bases were.

Everyone watched with no reaction as the massive dangerous bomb disappeared, before exploding far off in the distance. Naruto and Haku summoned their own Tailed beasts, as Sasuke pulled Hinata closer and called on his complete Susanoo and took off to get sky.

"That's not fair! How comes you get to fly!" Naruto yelled.

"Moron! You have the safe of six paths power flowing through you! You can fly too!" Sasuke shouted back.

Naruto blinked. "What!? Kurama you can fly!?" He called out.

Everyone sighed.

Sasuke allowed his Chakra to flow through his Susanoo to let it be able to use his Chidori. Hinata watched curious, she then gently put her hand on his and let her Chakra flow too. The Susanoo hand glowed distinct blue.

"Hime... did you just fuse my Chidori with your gentle fist?..." he asked. He looked up to the massive balls of fire that were flying towards them with the ten tailed running behind towards them behind the flames.

"I watched your Chakra Sasuke, it didn't look very difficult to do," she replied.

Naruto and Kurama had charged off weaving through the flames. Two massive Rasenshurikens in each hand and a tailed beast bomb between the two as he threw all three at Madara. Haku and Isobu right on their Tail as he summoned a massive Tsunami to follow behind their attack.

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