22; Crazy For K-BBQ.

Start from the beginning

Benazir didn't miss the action as well. Pressing her lips together, she nodded to confirm Amina's words. "I guess," She sighed, shifting her gaze to Amina. "but believe me, she's closer to Dean."

"Dean?" Amina had seen her interact with him, and though she agree, they do seem close, she simply seems closer to his brother.

"Yes, Dean." Benazir confirmed. "That's what happens when you have a common idol."

"A common idol?"

"Him." Benazir gestured to Aahil, whom was laughing over something someone over there said. He seemed carefree. If Amina didn't see him with her own two eyes the night before, she would've been convinced he's a different man.

"—believe it or not, everyone here is grateful to him in one way or the other. The guys, Kimura, even I. We are able to be here altogether, and consider each other a family because of him."

Amina wanted to ask if they are talking about the same man she knows, but refrained from doing that

If there's one thing she has realized is that they all adore the man. Everyone has been complimenting him as if they had planned it. If their expression and words didn't sound so genuine, Amina would've thought they planned it all.

Still, she couldn't bring herself to completely keep shut. "I find that hard to believe." She stated earnestly. "Or maybe he just hates me in particular." She was honestly starting to believe that.

Because why is he good to everyone except her? It didn't bother her before, but being around people that love him, she was beginning to have questions.

Benazir didn't take her words the wrong way. Personally, she knew why Amina felt that way. She had her questions too, wondering why the woman stood out.

Why did he target her in particular?

Even with that, she still held up her warm smile, as if knowing what Amina doesn't. "Give it time." She advised. "You may not see it, but he is quite childish most times. He doesn't know how to handle his feelings. Seems he's sill caught up in that childish mentality of his."


"Don't bother yourself over it." Benazir advised instead, upon seeing the guys starting to make their way towards them. "He'll come around. I promise."

Amina had no time to question Benazir over the riddles she's left hanging in the air before the others arrived, and they all settled down on their  respective seats.

Speaking of the devil, Aahil ended up seated across her while Dean was to her left, with Benazir on her right. Kimura sat beside Aahil, and beside her was Hunter and Chris. Bae Hyun sat beside Dean.

Dean must've noticed something off with Amina, because he leaned in slightly and whispered. "You okay?"

She lifted her head to meet his gaze, her lips slanting into a small smile. "Yeah," she nodded. "I'm good."

Dean wasn't convinced, she could tell from how he was silent afterwards, searching her eyes for any proof that would show otherwise. He didn't get the answers he wanted, but he didn't push as well knowing if she wanted to share, she would've.

So, he ended up nodding instead. "Okay."

"Alright, everyone." Hunter clanked  his glass cup, to gain their attention all. When they fixed their attention on him, he cleared his throat and got on his feet. "Before we start, I'd like to make a toast to the newest member of our Familia." He gestured his cup in Amina's direction.

The guys hooted, making everyone end up in chuckles, including her as well.

"Amina," Hunter continued. "We may not be related by blood, but we consider each other a family. You being here with us means you're now a part of our family, and we welcome you as such. Yes, we all have our shortcomings, and we may not always get along but at the end of the day, we are still a family. Nothing will ever change that."

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