I have some explaining to do...

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I am very sorry for the delay of chapters. I have had major writers block for the past week. I feel bad that I am letting you guys down. But I promise you guys that I will update sometime next week. and there are only 4 more chapters left btw. But there will b a sequel after so don't worry. hope you all are having a great summer so far. Mine started out a little bad. remember when I told you guys about my rush. well, the dance was really cool. We danced, hanged out, hugged, and slow danced. But then the day after, he didn't say a single word to me! not a single word! I passed by him and we locked eye contact but then he just looked away. I felt insecure and just felt stupid for spilling out my feelings to him, when I didn't mean anything to him. I was just his "well liked friend". Ever since that day, I am trying to get over him over the summer. I think I can make it, but at the same time I don't think I can. Comment down below some of your crazy boy experiences. I want to interact more with you guys, even though its through via comments. I love you guys Byee!

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