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Madison's POV

*BEEP BEEP* I slapped the snooze button and looked for my phone on the counter. I picked it up and unlocked it. it was 7:30 am and there was a text from Ethan.

from green eyes:Good morning! Hope I didn't wake you up to early. Lacrosse tryouts today. Text me when you're ready to go.

I smiled and put my phone back on the counter and walked over to the bathroom. Stripped off my clothing and went in the shower. After my shower, I went back to my room, and changed into my lacrosse uniform and put all of my gear in my gym bag. I then remembered that I left my lacrosse stick and ball outside on the patio. I ran outside quickly and grabbed it. I looked up at Ethan's widow to see if he was there, but the curtains were still closed. I shrugged and walked back in. I gathered all of my lacrosse stuff and put them next to the door. I go into the kitchen and get an apple. I texted Ethan saying I was ready to go and that the door was unlocked. I put in my ear buds and stared listening to my favorite band, Ghost Town. Dancing and singing around the kitchen is one of the many random things I do when I'm bored. After my favorite song, Voodoo, finished I heard clapping ad laughing behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Ethan standing there with khaki pants, a plain white t-shirt, vans, ray bans, and a backwards snapback, laughing at me with a big smile.

"When did you get here?!" I say.

"a couple minutes ago. I didn't want to interrupt you so, I just stood her watching you dance, and sing." He says still laughing.

"was I bad?"

"No, not at all. You're actually a really good singer too."

"thanks Ethan. Now, lets go to lacrosse practice." I say getting my stuff from next to the door, but then get stopped by ethan getting my stuff for me. We walk out and I lock the door. When I turned around I saw Ethan's car. It was a black JEEEP Wrangler, my DREAM car!!!

"You have a wrangler!!!" I scream.

"yupp, got it for my 16th birthday." Ethan replies and puts my bag in the trunk. He unlocks the car and I get into the passenger seat. He started the car and drove to Mount Saint.


"okay girls, this is lacrosse tryouts. I'm glad I'll be able to see some of your faces on the official varsity team." Says Ms. King, the lacrosse coach. I line up behind with the other girls and wait for my turn. While I'm waiting, I look for Ethan. I spot he on the bleachers giving me two thumbs up.

"Good Luck blue eyes!!" he screams. I burst into laughter and scream back, "thanks green eyes!" after a couple minutes; it was my turn to tryout. I got the ball from the ground. Pivoted the defenders, and aimed the ball at the goal, and I scored! The coach started clapping and said, "you're the only sophomore that has actually gotten the ball pass the goalie. You are worthy for this team." She patted my back and I ran over to Ethan. I jumped into his arms and hugged him. He hugged me back , put me down, and held me in his arms for a while.

*after lacrosse practice*

"I hope I get in. I'll probably have a higher chance getting in though because I was on the varsity team during freshman year." I explain to Ethan on our way to his house.

"you deserve to get in. you practice really hard." I look at Ethan and smile. We arrived at his house.

"I'm gonna go change, you can come inside for a little bit, if you'd like. I kind of need your help anyway. My arms are sore from practice last night and tryouts."

"of course I will. How can I say no to a beautiful girl in pain." He laughed and got my bags from the trunk. We both ran over to my house and I unlock the door to see my dad and some woman on the couch.




















AN// Here's chapter 4 for you guys. If you liked this chapter, 10 votes for next chapter! Thanks for reading. :)

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